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Landscaping; terrain editing


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I am having a similar problem. I am familiar with the quad texture limits, however it seems that my issue lies in the CS itself. I go to paint textures and they suddenly stop along a hard line. Sometimes it's along the edge of the grid line (using the "I" key to display) and sometimes it's halfway between. I then go into the game and the texture is laid out just fine. I'll also go to draw a road down the hill and loose sight of where it is because it's invisible in my editor but when I go to play the game I see the road, as jagged and unprecise as it is, but it's there nonetheless. I;ve read through and tested exhaustively the tutorial you linked (used it a long time ago) but still can't seem to find the solution. The only thing I haven't looked at is the slope problem you mentioned, but again, it's renders in game just fine, just not in the CS. Any clues?
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@ icecreamassassin


This is topic necromancy. This thread has been dead for like a year now.


Painted textures often stop along the hard lines of exterior cell boundaries. They also stop on the boundaries of the four quadrants of an exterior cell. The hard lines occur when the two adjacent cells do not both use the texture you are painting. To get rid of all these hard lines, you need to use textures that the two cells or cell quadrants share. You may need to eliminate some of the textures from a cell or quadrant to reduce the number low enough that all the present textures render. (A quadrant can have about 8 textures and have them all render.) Problems of this nature are actually more visible in the CS than when playing the game. When playing the game, grass covers most of the problems. Lighting, viewing angle, and scale also make the problem harder to see. (Not to mention distractions, you don't see landscape texturing issues while being attacked by a bear or an ogre.) The people at Bethesda left numerous landscape texturing bugs in the game and you can often see their sharp lines on the ground, even on roads.) The slope issue is only for really steep hills and mountains, the type of slopes that your character probably can't climb. The game engine only allows certain textures on the steepest slopes. So when you encounter this problem, you just find a steep slope texture and artfully use it to blend in nicely with your other work.


A couple of places in your post you said that things look fine in your game, but bad in the CS. The purpose of the CS is to make the game look good. If it looks bad in the CS, but good in the game, don't worry about it anymore. Move on to your next task. You want things to look good in the game and that is all that matters. There is a quote, "Perfect is the enemy of good enough." Perfectionism can destroy productivity for the sake of making small improvements that the audience may not even discern and appreciate.

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A couple of places in your post you said that things look fine in your game, but bad in the CS. The purpose of the CS is to make the game look good. If it looks bad in the CS, but good in the game, don't worry about it anymore. Move on to your next task. You want things to look good in the game and that is all that matters. There is a quote, "Perfect is the enemy of good enough." Perfectionism can destroy productivity for the sake of making small improvements that the audience may not even discern and appreciate.


I don't care if they look good or bad in the CS, what I was describing (pretty succinctly i thought) was that I am having a hard time seeing where my road actually is because I can draw a big snaking road in the CS and it will only show up in a couple of areas of the grid and while it may show up in the game, I cannot see where the road is in the CS to do fine tuning and make sure that it's level and looks goo in game. Right now I have a bunch of stray road texture near the desired spot but because I can't see it rendering in the CS, I can't go back and replace the grass and move the texture to where it needs to be. I also have a bunch of spot with grass coming through the road that needs to be texture replaced, etc.


I don't think this is specifically a quadrant texture replacing issue, because I have gone in and removed sparsely used textures and put in the desired ones instead, it's just not rendering in any way in the construction set.


As for the post itself, on most forums they like you to try and post in existing threads your problem rather than starting a new thread with the same problem. Guess I'll repost it fresh if I can't manage to find a solution


So, with this added clarity, do you have any idea why the CS wouldn't be rendering the texture? I will say I have a hard time figuring out what cell within the quadrant I'm in and am also a little confused about the quadrants in general. I guess I'll look more generally about quadrants and exterior cells, cuz it seems like there are 5 segments per cell location, I'm confused where the 4 quadrants play into the cell fields, can you point me to a guide about this? or I'll just browse around the construction set wiki again, I may have just not understood when I first read the section about this.

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Ok. I played around with the editor for a bit and I think I am on the right track. It looks like the editor displays up to 5 segments of the world at a time, each of the 5 segments is a cell and within each cell is 4 quadrants, which quadrant has a set number of textures which you have to replace old ones as a result if you want to add some. Sound right?
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