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[REQ] Clover/Crimson Romance TYPE 3 CALI


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I was wondering whether altering her personality to make her romancible is possible (once freed without the collar). Whether you could repair damage done to her by Eulogy. What other secrets could Eulogy, his computer terminal, the other wastelanders and Clover hold.


What would the responses be from them and how would things progress. Eulogy Jones has got to have at least kept some records on her origins some where (even if it was for black mail purposes). Not keeping records is not good business sense, they would be useful to keep other members of his organisation in line and/or try ensure his customer(s) don't turn against him.


So why not use those records in order to reverse what he done to her, may be even free Crimson as well. Allowing her to chose whether to go with, return to her old life and/or make a new one. Generally change the destinies of these two women - they don't have to always die. Doing good things with you could as result make it possible for them to reedem themselves in the eyes of the other wastelanders.


Chrome Hamster: I'll tell you, those are some good ideas. Unfortunately I think I lack the skill and time to do something so in-depth. If you could find someone who was able, they would be more than welcome to use anything I've done with Clover so far (With proper credit of course) toward that goal. Good luck!


Chrome Hamster was the author of the "Clover Perfected Type 3 CALI" companion modification. I look forward to hearing back from the responders.

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