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Some MASSIVE issues with Patch 1.03


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I'm glad I read part of this thread. Having started playing the game so late I patched up to 1.03 right away. I will limit my mods and had planned to not use many anyways.

I haven't had any issues so far and the DLC that I have is fine.

I have only used The Stone warrior(?) the Slate one , the one that gives dragon armor, the lucky ring one and the Mages amulet one.

Without having to go thru this whole 3 page thread should I be concerned about possibly buying the DLC for the guy that is in the camp and maybe return to ostager?



edited: Make that 8 pages. :ermm:

I don't really want to read it all if I don't have to

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Hehehehe Its "shale" in "the stone prisoner" dlc :wink:

yup yup too much sleep, haha.


I think I remember reading somewhere that they are allowed to release patches quarterly ( :mad: ) so IF they have it prepped by the rollaround time, it should be 4 months after 1.03.

Tho I could be totally off on that, it coulda been a dif company that I was reading about.

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Update: BW has released an update about the patches on their site as a sticky. It is not much but I hope it helps



it's about fcking time i say, people are ranting since the release of these expansion and finally they taking some actions to fix these bugs i just hope they wont cause anymore problems from the new and upcoming patch than it already is..........

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Yeah but the problem is that we have to tell them about these bugs or they won't find them. Like the dialog problems (even though people in the community made mods to fix it) and the visual bugs such as duel wielding bug.
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Well mods, I think it's time we locked this thread and re-directed to a new one discussing the "repaired" version of 1.03. (Ok, I started one called "June 2010 Patch" here: http://thenexusforums.com/index.php?showtopic=210878 )


See the following from the Bioware Social Forums:


Old (now locked) patch discussion thread that had devolved (after two-dozen pages) into name-calling at:


( And here it is "clickable":

http://social.bioware.com/forum/1/topic/94/index/2803211/27 ) :ermm:


(I was really disappointed at the level of "You're a jerk!", "No, You're a jerk who can't read what I wrote!" that had appeared over the past several weeks.)


And the "New patch coming real soon now" announcement thread at: [http://social.bioware.com/forum/1/topic/94/index/2860181]

("Clickable": http://social.bioware.com/forum/1/topic/94/index/2860181 )


I, for one, am extremely curious about the version number. Will it be 1.03b, or 1.04, or (if they really fixed as much as they know about and could manage) 1.10?

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nah the community at bioware have been ranting each other ever since victor and mr.woo addresed the issue of an upcoming patch the entire thread was covered in a wall of rubbish 360 vs. PC vs. PS3 Lmao well at least the staff are doing their job even from the name calling/criticism of some people in that thread of such and such . XD


i can understand that people been waiting these fix for 7 months and counting but that doesn't give them the excuse to act like little morons on forum and dissect every post the staff made HAHAHA.


well here's to the new patch http://bestsmileys.com/cheering/5.gif

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Glad I read this thread before updating and installing Awakening=.=

Btw, is there a minimum required patch to install DA:A?

Another thing, do I have to install patches in order- 1.02 to 1.03, and so forth, or can I just skip to the latest?

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