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taken mods from one location adding to another?


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im trying to create a mod thats independent of other mods but has other mods built in. but im having bit of trouble with a certain strip club mod i need to know how to change the location instead having having it in the bar wanted to add it in the pool room of river side apartments . anyone have an idea on how to do this?
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im trying to create a mod thats independent of other mods but has other mods built in. but im having bit of trouble with a certain strip club mod i need to know how to change the location instead having having it in the bar wanted to add it in the pool room of river side apartments . anyone have an idea on how to do this?


You would have to select all objects/npcs you wanna move and copy+paste them to your new location.

However, if there are many place specific AI Packages and Scripts in this mod, you have to tweak them also.

I can't recommend you try on it, if you don't bring some geck modding experiance.

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