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Problems with voice edit.


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I used audacity to pitch-shift dialogue exclusive to a character. (Dar-ma to be exact.) I copied and pasted both the modified MP3's and their corresponding .lip files into the exact same path in my Data folder. I didn't edit the lip files at all. Must I for it to work? If so, how do I go about doing that? I have archive invalidation invalidated, does it work for sound files too or could that be the problem?
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My guess is that Dar-Ma's lips were moving but there was no sound. Is this what happened? If you are keeping the same words of dialog spoken at the same rate, then there is no need to do anything to your .lip files.


Voiced dialog in Oblivion mods is so hard to work with that almost nobody does it. I have downloaded more than 100 mods and only two of them had voiced dialog. This gives you an indication of how hard it is to work with voice files in Oblivion.


I do not have enough skill and knowledge to add voiced dialog to Oblivion. (I have just messed with it and failed.)


I guess the question would be what method you used to change the pitch of your voice files.


(1) Latest Version of the CS. It is broken. You can't record voiced dialog.


(2) Old version of the CS, it works, but then you have to use some sort of elaborate workaround which also involves the new CS and probably some other software to get it into a new mod which must be on the new CS.


(3) An Audio Editor. If you were just changing the characteristics of a voice file, I am guessing that one of the settings is wrong for Oblivion. You could inspect all the characteristics of your new file and compare them to the old files. You can also look up information on the wiki on what recording or editing settings you have to use to make sound files play in Oblivion. Hopefully you could just do the process again with the correct settings and everything would work beautifully.


Good luck!

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Yes, her lips were moving, but no voice was playing. and ti went back to the menu after a certain periodof time before her lips stopped moving, I assume the universal silent voice was acting in it's place.

I went and re-exported with the exact audio specifications on the wiki, but it still doesn't seem to work. No tutorials for how to edit existing dialogue only how to create new ones, so I am still going to assume the problem is the lip files.


Is there any possible way I could use OBSE or some other plugin to tell oblivion to ignore the difference and play them together anyway?

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