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Companion Gabrielle HP Bug


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Hey I just got this mod not to long ago and am loving it so far but I hit a snag. I'm not sure when but at some point her health bugged out and now is set to -981/48. Her health just look like a dot when you hover over her and if she takes any damage she stays knocked out forever. I have Oblivion fully patched with other mods running. Has anyone else run into this problem and know how to fix it? I haven't tried reinstalling her yet but I don't really want to loose her levels.
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Might have been caused by some sort of spell effect which makes use of modav health somewhere within the scripting. The large negative value may have come from either an extremely large increase, or an extremely large decrease. The easiest way to fix it if you're handy with the CS is to create a spell which has a script effect designed to counteract this effect using the same method that caused it. Or a script


scn kazzap1timeonlyCompanionFix

ref self
short doeffect

begin scripteffectstart
set self to getself
if self != player
set doeffect to 1

Begin scripteffectupdate
if doeffect == 1
self.modav health 1029
set doeffect to 2

begin scripteffectfinish
if doeffect == 2
player.removespell <this spell ID>


to a targeted spell (you'll need to define the spell with an empty script first before you can get an ID for the spell in order to remove itself).


Then make a simple quest which adds this spell to the player. After usage, the spell should remove itself from the player and you can save and disable the mod, load the game, acknowledge that the spell no longer exists, and continue as normal until the problem happens again.

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Ok I'm trying to make the spell right now and I think I hit a snag. When I try to save the script I get a warning saying. Script "kazzap1timeonlyCompanionFix" line 22: Missing parameter spell item. I put the spell I'm trying to make ID in the <spellID> part but I still get the error. I'm new to modding so I have no idea what I'm doing.




*edit* on new problem, I figured out my first problem was from not deleting the <> so now the script saves and complies fine but I can't find the script in the script effect drop down menu.

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*edit* on new problem, I figured out my first problem was from not deleting the <> so now the script saves and complies fine but I can't find the script in the script effect drop down menu.

Need to define it as a Magic Effect script instead of an Object script. It's a box in the upper right corner of the script editor.

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*edit* on new problem, I figured out my first problem was from not deleting the <> so now the script saves and complies fine but I can't find the script in the script effect drop down menu.

Need to define it as a Magic Effect script instead of an Object script. It's a box in the upper right corner of the script editor.



OK I got the spell with the script made, now how the hell do I get the spell onto my character. (thanks for the help BTW I'm a noob and my google is failing me) I have no clue what I even need to make a quest.

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