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Friendly/Allied Enclave?


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Hey, I recently downloaded the Enclave commander mod which is great by the way, however I am stumped on the part where you lead enclave troops and the non-squad enclave are all hostile to me.. I would love a mod that changes this and makes every single enclave soldier/scientist/commander allied with the lone wanderer so I can actually feel more like apart of them than seperate from them. I know colonel autumn is hostile right away because he doesn't get along well with John henry eden. So the way it could be made it a handful of enclave are loyal to Autumn but the rest are all on my side, thus a "execute traitor" non-visible quest could be in order. When you are imprisoned at the enclave base raven rock that could be a thing where autumn wants to have power over you so he imprisons you and interrogates you to get the purifier running. At this point the raven rock enclave soldiers can remain hostile when autumn gives the all clear to kill the lone wanderer, after you leave raven rock THIS is when the enclave should be 100% behind you.


While this might negate some of the challenge it will make the Enclave commander mod fit in a little tighter.

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There are some.


There is a mod named Enclave General, although I haven't played it myself.

Personally I'm working on an extensive mod which will allow you to join the Enclave BUT also expand its realm by doing things like conquering the Citadel.

I also have a mod called The Eagle Has Landed which replaces the whole main quest with an Enclave version. It is still in its childhood, though, and is not finished.

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Nice! We need more enclave mods, the Enclave Commander one is awesome, but not enough for my taste. For some reason I think bethesda should have spend a little more time allowing you to join polar opposite sides.. I.E., BOS or the Enclave, etc..


But in the geck I found a simple way to make them not hostile. So that was figured out. You Edit factions with fallout3.esm and simply add "playerfaction" to the "Enclavefaction" and check the allied box. You have to do it both ways, so the player faction needs to be allied with the enclavefaction, and vice versa. This works well when you use the enclave in enclave commander cause you can walk around with a enclave squad without being hostile to other enclave in the wasteland.


But to hear about this mod you are currently working on, I will be an avid watcher if you don't mind cause joining them "through rank" and being recruited sounds better.



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