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Getting equipped weapon reference in quest script


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I am trying to do a perk that reduces spread for certain weapons. I made it work by attaching a script to each weapon, however this means that mod introduced weapons won't be able to benefit from this perk. I was hoping there was some way to get the reference for the equipped weapon in a quest script.
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I tried that and it doesn't seem to be working.


ref rWeapon


Begin GameMode


set rWeapon to player.GetEquippedObject 5

if rWeapon.GetWeaponNumProjectiles == 1

if rWeapon.GetWeaponSpread > .5

rWeapon.SetWeaponSpread .5


rWeapon.SetWeaponMinSpread 0





That was the basics of the script I tried. The goal was to minimize the spread on all firearms except the shotguns.

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You can only call reference functions on references, but if you read the documentation you'll see that FOSE's GetEquippedObject returns a base form. Because of this, you'll need to pass its return value to the other functions as a base form, rather than calling them on it directly as though it were a reference. For example:

GetWeaponSpread rWeapon


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Ah, thank you very much. I read the FOSE command documents but saw the base object at the front of those commands and missed the inventory object at the tail end. I do have a few questions about using the inventory object to set those variables. Will every instance of the inventory object share the improved accuracy? I wouldn't want to make the NPCs better at shooting the player with a perk for the player. Also, am I right that the following code should reset the stats of a weapon when it is unequipped? It appears to be working, I just wanted to see if I was missing something else.




float fIDOriginalSpread
float fIDOriginalMinSpread
ref rWeaponEquipped
ref rWeaponUnequipped

Begin GameMode

if (player.HasPerk InertialDampener)
	set rWeaponEquipped to player.GetEquippedObject 5
	if rWeaponEquipped != rWeaponUnequipped
		SetWeaponSpread fIDOriginalSpread rWeaponUnequipped
		SetWeaponMinSpread fIDOriginalMinSpread rWeaponUnequipped
		set rWeaponUnequipped to rWeaponEquipped
		set fIDOriginalSpread to GetWeaponSpread rWeaponEquipped
		set fIDOriginalMinSpread to GetWeaponMinSpread rWeaponEquipped
	if (GetWeaponNumProjectiles rWeaponEquipped == 1)
		if GetWeaponSpread rWeaponEquipped > .25
			SetWeaponSpread 0.25 rWeaponEquipped
		SetWeaponMinSpread 0 rWeaponEquipped


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