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The Arkan-Da Imperium


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Hi, This mod is still in the early stages, the world, which is contained within this mod, is based from a map that I have drawn; located below.


If you can see any of the detail, each of the seven of the eight provinces is about the size of each reigon in cyrodiil.

So it would be a great help if yuo have any talets in modding particually scripting, quests, dialouge, interior and exterior cell development and landscaping. Because I can send information, maps and diagrams to people who wish to help and the mod itself via e-mail.

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I suggest that you make your mod modular and scalable. By this I mean that you and your team focus all your efforts on a single province until it is done and fully playable. Then you can release your single province it as a beta and get lots and lots of free play-testing done by the public. This will also make people excited about your mod and help you recruit some more modders who have seen the fine quality of your work.


Then you can concentrate on your second province. If anything bad happened that made it so you didn't have time to mod anymore, you would at least have a playable mod that could be uploaded, and none of your work would have gone to waste.

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I have already covered the basic landscape of the central island, which is the nations capital, but it requires more detail in places, scripts, npc's, interior cells, some caves, factions and creatures.


But at the moment, it is just myself working on this between school, assignments and work. So I could use a bit of help.


I have drawn up the maps of key buildings, such as the Palace and the Capital.

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