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Dragon Age 2 set for Feb 2011?


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well, it doesnt sound like a whole lot of time for them to address issues like memory leaks. :(

So it doesnt sound like they are making a whole lot of changes to the game engine itself, which a lot of us hoped that they would. And possibly make the game EASIER TO MOD :verymad:

Tho tbh, I like it that they'll be releasing the next one soon. There's a lot of story that I want to find out about and play thru. As Morrigan puts it "So! Full of questions, are you?" Hell yes I am, and my curiosity is far from slated!


Maybe it's just me, but I think that this setback with the latest patch may cause a potential problem with their release date. Thats an issue they are gonna HAVE to get fixed, or all the players that bought the steam version of the game probly won't buy again.

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They did have four years to develop DA:O, I'm just worried if it's going to end like NWN2 or Kotor2 even though that BW had no part in the development (great stories just full of bugs).
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My concern is EA's involvment. Like you said, good games, but a lot of bugs. They prefer to churn something out fast, and skimp on the quality control. They also have very shady business practices (such as installing LEGAL trojan viruses), but that's a completely different animal.

I'm hoping for better graphics, less complications like this whole SQL crap, easier to freakin mod, improvements on the game models (whoever thought up this crap of making the body meshes the way they did wasn't too bright) get rid of the oversized weapons that dont fit the models unless your a qunari!


I mean, I understand that they spent a LOT of money on voice talent, and on the trailers. But geezus, your visuals have to be there too. Its like, a bad artist can greatly reduce the reading pleasure of a great comic book. While the models aren't "that bad" considering what the specs for this game are, would have expected better.

Also expect of course... more Morrigan! :D

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I'm not sure it's a full blown sequel. Though, since they already have many assets to work with and the game engine in place it's possible, but unlikely. I say it will be the next expansion. EA said DA:O would be getting DLC and expansions for 2 years after the game's release.


Let's just pray that date isn't some sort of DA announcement .. ya know, Dragon Age, the MMO. :(

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I believe it was the version of securom that was installed with Crysis, or maybe it was Spore, that caused the worst stink. It wasnt just a drm to attempt to foil piracy. It would block other programs from running on a computer. While that's only quasi-legal here in the US, its fully legal in the country that EA has their homebase in.

The intent was to keep folks from using ISO programs from running, in order to prevent folks from ripping the dvds and running the games without it. What it ended up doing was not only blocking the ISO programs but also some MS networking progs which Can be vital to buisiness and network functionality.

Best example of how bad they screwed the pooch would be this new 1.03 patch. Take all the problems that it's causing for the game, and apply that to your whole computer.


Add in to the fact that at the time, it was incredibly difficult to remove from the computer, hiding itself very deeply inside the registry, was NOT uninstalled when uninstalling the game, and resulted in a lot of users having to format their system to get rid of it. and was installed without the user's knowing consent. Many AV progs now recognize securom as a trojan virus.


The hillarious part of it is this, that in an effort to crack down on anti-piracy, they ended up driving more users to get the versions of the game that had the securom install removed from it.

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Let us not talk about the dreaded P word or you will receive the Wrath of Sithis


Edit: MMO... oh noes....



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Let us not talk about the dreaded P word or you will receive the Wrath of Sithis


Edit: MMO... oh noes....




haha. I love that. :)


I'm a recovering WoW addict. I miss it, but it just ate up so much of my life. I hope Bioware continues to release single player RPGs. I just can't do the MMO thing again.

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