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party members


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There is a party selection button on the top right, near the tactics. It is identified as three people close nit to each other near the cross-hairs and map.
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Once you will get a little further into the game, you'll get an area called the Party Camp. Thats where they hang out, when you dont have them actively traveling with you.


The party selection can only be used in certain areas. You cant use it when you're in what are designated "hostile" territory, IE where combat can take place. But yeah, when your in areas that you can change party members, you click on the icon that is 3 people. If you have 4 members in the party, you will see pics of them in little circles down towards the bottom. to remove them just click on one of the small circle pics. To add a new person, just click on them where they are standing in a group. ;)

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