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Clash of the Titans


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I am planning on creating this HUGE mod that will essentially add multiple new factions and pit you into a war against them, forcing you to choose sides. This will be a daunting task, I don't plan on asking any help, just wanted to know what you guys thought.


1st Faction - Titans


-Essentially just Deathclaws, Behemoths, and maybe a few others scaled to get 4 or 5 times bigger and much, much stronger.

-Also will probably include "mini" titans, which will just scale Yao Guais, Ants, Dogs, and some other monsters to be bigger and stronger.

-This faction isn't as developed, not sure what I'm totally going to do with these guys.


2nd Faction - Gods

-Not REAL gods, of course, but they call themselves that.

-Custom power armor that will be sort of golden with wings sort of on them. This will look similar to the PvP - Epic or whatever from World of Warcraft for Paladins.

-All very good, consider themselves above normal humans. Not sure where their base will be yet or anything.

-Only Melee weapons, like hammers and swords I guess. I will make these new and custom, but not sure quite yet for all of these.

-Due to certain drugs they use, they will be slightly bigger than normal humans.


3rd Faction - Zheng Ying Nu Marines

-A faction of humans, probably in Winterized Combat Armor (so O:A will be required) with custom colors.

-Planning on them having Vertibirds that they salvaged from previous experiences across the USA. (If I put in custom quests, this will probably show up in dialogue).

-Planning on having their base on a mesa/plateau only accessible from Vertibird (if this proves too hard, I will probably just put some sort of entrance at the bottom).

-Bad Karma, tough mean, the only human faction taking up against the others.

-They view badly on anything non-human, including Ghouls (and Gods, because they believe they aren't human).


4th Faction - Hellspawn

-Planning on having fiery fissures throughout the Wasteland

-Around them will be Young Hellspawn, which are demon-looking things about the size of a human with small stub horns.

-Scattered more scarcely will be Hellspawn, which are bigger than humans, slightly bigger stubs, and tougher.

-Even more tough to find and fight will be Hellspawn Brutes, which have large stubs, are bigger than Hellspawn, and tougher to fight.

-Last but definitely not least will be Hellspawn Matriarch, which there will probably be only one of. These things will have full grown horns, about the size of brutes, but much tougher. Also, these ones will be the smartest, and the only ones in some sort of armor.


This is in the development stage, and I'm open to suggestions. Once again, I know Fallout 10 will be out before I'm done, but I'm okay!

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