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Tesla-Cannon - Armour Model


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This is a request I made a while back, but it never got completed, despite being the subject of some discussion. So, like Sisyphus, I'm posting it again!


Could anyone please make a piece of armour which appears as the Tesla-Beaton Prototype slung over the player's back? Preferably position-adjusted so that it fits with Tesla Armor (the Fallout 3 version). I believe that the position is something like X97 Y27 Z-2 R96 (based on the position posted in another thread for the Brush Gun), if that helps whoever wants to take on this request.


I've tried this myself in NifSkope, but I simply lack the knowledge or experience. If anyone could link me to some good tutorials to learn to do this, I'd be eternally grateful.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Will do. I'll try to crank out the canon and the laser rifle (two specific requests) soon-ish. One point on the canon though. While I don't forsee any major problems, it's going to require copying and pasting a donor block for the special effects and I don't know if that will be a piece of cake or trip me up. If worse comes to worse it may be "unlit".
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I'm cool with it being unlit. I can justify it in my head as the 'lighting' being only used when the cannon is actually active and ready to fire; when it's stowed over someone's back in storage, the cannon's charge is inactive. So if you can't move the lighting block, I'll have no problem with it.

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Well burned about two hours trying to get it in game and got nowhere. CTD city :( It wouldn't allow me to reassign all the meshes to a single bone and kept reverting to multiple materials, freak'n nightmare. I think I'll have to put this one on hold. I'll probably make some new weapons and maybe take another shot at it when I can get some advice/insight into the problem.

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Hey Devin,


Thanks for giving this your best shot! I wasn't sure if the Tesla Cannon would work out, due to how damned complex the model is, but it was worth a shot. But really, thanks for trying. Means a lot to me.


After all that work, I hardly have the right to ask anything of you, but do you think this would be a problem endemic to all launcher weapons? Or - given the time and the inclination - would it be feasible to try this project on another weapon?


Best regards,


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