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Clothes Mod


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Okay, I figured no one will ever wear clothes in oblivion.... so now, I am thinking of ways to make it worth it beneficial for people to wear clothes... logically( for me), I feel that clothes do play a part in your personality, speechcraft and mercentile...so I was wondering how to make a mod for it... after all, it's all in the image...so I was thinking.... according to what I glance from the Construction Set..


Lowest Class - Add 1 Point to personality, speechcraft and mercentile.

Middle Class - Add 3 points to personality, speechcraft and mercentile

High Class - Add 3 points to personality, speechcraft and mercentile...


It seems a minor thing, until you realise when you add it up, as in shirt, pants and shoes, it could add up to a 9 point increase in total....


Just a thought... and can someone tell me the best way to go about making it....

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It's a good idea, makes sense.


You'll probably have to take the scripting road. Don't ask me, I don't know anything about it. Just thinking with you :)


Enchanting clothes with fortify skill (speechcraft, for example) works too, but then the player can't enchant any clothes themselves anymore, and it doesn't look nice in game.

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It's a good idea, makes sense.


You'll probably have to take the scripting road. Don't ask me, I don't know anything about it. Just thinking with you :)


Enchanting clothes with fortify skill (speechcraft, for example) works too, but then the player can't enchant any clothes themselves anymore, and it doesn't look nice in game.


There are some items available from merchants that perform some of these functions (e.g. boost mercantile, boost speechcraft). There is a robe and pants that I wear in town when I'm dealing with traders or NPC's that I want to impress. I do so because they have these qualities. Sorry, I'm away from the game right now or I'd look these up for you. The pants I know are "Imperial Breeches". I found those in Imperial City. The robe I just picked up, I think in Anvil, but it may have been Cheydinhall.


I agree, it's nice to change out of the armor once in awhile, get cleaned up and live civilized again.

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I thought in Morrowind clothes did this anyway, but I guess all it actually did was trigger a different set of random speeches for NPCs - "I don't think I've seen a Dunmer in such fancy clothers for a long while". Good luck with the mod cyberelle, I'm sure that if you beg one of the many many modders you'll be able to find someone who can give you some tips. Try emailing the makers of mods you like (harassment always works :D)
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