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New Ranger - esque Armour Request


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So I've been browsing the Nexus over the past couple of days searching for an armour/clothing mod that really suites the kind of character I want, I've tried several with nothing really taking my fancy. I thought I'd ask here if anyone would be able to make me something (which I'm assuming would be easy to make) that suits my character. I was looking into doing it myself but I really don't have the time. The idea I have in my head would use the pants in the NCR Ranger Combat Armour (Black Armour/front cover armour) I like the jeans but would like a different upper body. If this is do able I'll have a look at what would be good to go with it, anyway please reply if anyone else likes this idea or if anyone would be willing to have a go that would be much appreciated. (Sorry if this is in the wrong place btw, new comer to the forums)


Thanks guys.

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I was thinking one of the Ranger Outfit tops or maybe the dirty pre-war Parkstroller, I'm not too sure. I guess something that looks like a New Vegas gunslinger would use. I think another thing that would look good would be replacing the mesh for the Ranger Coat and putting a Regulator duster over it, would that be do-able?

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