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My game crashes when i save


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Hello, whenever I save my game it crashes. I have only tried this on my lvl 40 character Able, but right now im stuck with a autosave that's keeping him alive.
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When an autosave happens, the current autosave is renamed from autosave.ess to autosave.bak.


That means that you have two chances to recover.


If the current Autosave.ess is no good, find autosave.bak and rename it to autosave.ess; try again.


If that doesn't work, try an earlier save.


If you don't have an earlier save, you're screwed.


In the future, don't rely on autosaves (they get corrupted all the time); instead make hard saves at key points.

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As Qwax stated, Auto-save in Oblivion is... well, shoddy at best. Quick saves don't seem to be affected by this rule, but replace them (make a hard save then delete the quick saves) frequently to be on the safe side.


Crashing when saving can also be a warning sign of saved game bloating. There are several things that cause that, though the main one is mods that make excessive use of the "place at me" command to place things at the players location.


Was saving starting to take a while before you got the crash issues? It should take an average of 6 - 10 seconds. Much longer than that can be an indicator of saved game bloating. Easiest way to tell is to check the size of your game saves in the "My Documents -> My Games -> Oblivion" folder. There's a lot of debate over what constitutes a bloated save, some people saying higher numbers than others still work, though that's likelier than not down to individual computer specs and mod differences. As a general rule, I'd say less than 8mb is golden, 8 - 12mb is ok but potentially a threat, 12 - 20mb you might be lucky and get it working but clean it asap, and 20mb or above you may as well kiss that save goodbye or de-bloat it with wrye bash. If for some reason you can't use Bash, you're likely screwed, as that's the only way I know of cleaning a bloated save.



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