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UESP Wiki and Forum - Problems?


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UESP Wiki and the associated forum seems to be having access problems - at least I am any way!


I was hoping to see if anyone else was experiencing difficulties and more to the point, if they know when the problem will be solved.


I can get onto the UESP Wiki for information but I have to follow the subject links down the left side - the search facility seems to be out of action. All I get when I type something in the box is that there's a server problem or something. It doesn't indicate whether the problem is at my end or theirs.


I am coming to conclusion that the problem is theirs as I have contacted someone on another forum (Neoseeker) and they are also experiencing problems.


The forum side of things is completely out of action.


I find UESP Wiki invaluable, as I believe most of us do. I wouldn't have heard of this forum/website were it not for UESP Wiki.


Does anyone have any information on what might be wrong and how long it will take to fix?

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