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got it. turns out it was sharing and caring companions

yeah, a fose mod as in it requires fose to run and a very specific fose ,has problems with the latest one too so I can't use that Either.


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  • 2 weeks later...

let me try and make you understand something about the differences in code Opt codes. Opt codes are whats in Fose /script extenders, each version is made for reason to match or fix mistakes, also to accommodate game versions.


we are not privileged to source code nor development processes. but we do posses a mind. This being said and an Example needed.


Right Hand Iron sights....requires fose for Fo3. how ever. fallout New Vegas has RH_iron-sights built in Raw and does not require "script-extending."


Hows that grab ya? where is there a need for it now? Ok, so a closer look into that code in that games structure revealed the correct Normal scripting required , copied out, and reset for Fo3. I no longer need Fose for any mods as I rip all Fose codes out and rewrite it in this fashion.


But all are Drawn to a conclusion , to use things meant to make the game /force the game Engines to process scripting it was not designed to process.

Enhance the game in other ways.


this does not remove the fact it is not in NV already.


S & C has on another site a version that does not require fose and it works just fine. besides. most Geck operations will not compile a fsoe mod scripts correctly unless a power up / fose induced Geck is running it. Doing so places the code in different spots. Makes it very difficult to edit or mod things.


editors do not posses the ability to copy Opt codes correctly. it does but not correctly.


for fallout3, 3 such Opt codes will get taken out of a merged set of plugins, these are Identified by TesEdit...any version using a script for merging them.

Project reality contain these 3 opt codes. a normal GECK will not save the scripts Either. you can't open the scripts in the GECK with out crashing it.


we stumble upon a lot of things and do not forget them. Animated *nif's and *.kf files respond accordingly, go crazy nut's, banana's too, heads twisting in all directions, a sort of TwilightZone horror show .Rubber banding Npc's

Google this (sharing and caring companions) and see what you find.


I have RH and S & C working with out the need for Fose. it's not easy so don't get me wrong ,you need to know how and what your doing and you can't forget you have these thing running.



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