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Problems useing the Console


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i need help setting up my console for dragon age so i can do codes... i read the faqs page on gamefaqs.com and got lost, i didnt understand some of the sh*t they were talking about


Im far from someone whos good with a computer, but i can find all the folders where the files and sh*t are located.



so i just need step by step Instructions, where to go, what to click on, what to rename, whatever. dont assume i know what im doing



if you can help me out you will get kudos from me for sure



(Edit) Ohh yeah and i have a windows vista, i dont know if that changes anything. but just in case if it does, ya know

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Here's a small tutorial:

1. Open the file "\data\DAOriginsLauncher.xml"

2. Replace this line:

<true action="execute" file="${BINARIES_DIR}\DAOrigins.exe" path="${BINARIES_DIR}" autoquit="true"


<true action="execute" file="${BINARIES_DIR}\DAOrigins.exe" path="${BINARIES_DIR}" autoquit="true" arguments="-enabledeveloperconsole"

3. Open the file "\BioWare\Dragon Age\Settings\KeyBindings.ini"

4. Replace this line:





Every time you open the launcher the console also will be enabled. You have to press 1 to open it.

For more informations: http://dragonage.wikia.com/wiki/Console

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