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Huge amount of mods questions


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The following mods had load errors and were skipped while building the patch. Most likely this problem is due to a badly formatted mod. For more info, see Bashed Patch: Error Messages.


Yes, that was exactly the message I've got. And yes, it was related to:


• Windfall.esp

• Quest Award Leveller - Knights of the Nine.esp


Thanks for the "clean mods" link, but I already knowed how to clean mods. I cleaned the other two, but Windfall and QAL for KotN stayed dirty, no matter what I've tried.


However, I just finished the main quest yesterday for the first time ever...yeah... :thumbsup: ...great finish, though Dagoth (or who was it?) looked a bit hillarious. I expected more.


What I#m now going to do is delete my Oblivion install from Steam and reinstall it and then one by one only install the mods I really enjoyed a need and this time I will include COBL... :thumbsup: ...i'm sure it will work this time.


By the way can't wait until this gets finished including Citys, NPCs and Quests.

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