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Fix minor bugs


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There are minor bugs concerning with timing in several places, first Redcliffe then The Dead Trenches and even the final battle. If anyone would help fix these timing issues I would most appreciate it. Thank you
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The undead don't respond to timing correctly in my game. One minute there is none the next all the undead run down the hill and attack like hell. All I want is to respond correctly in certain intervals rather than to deal all at once.
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I'm wondering if you've got a mod that's installed that may be causing that bud. I've never had an issue like what you're talking about. Maybe its one of the gameplay mods like improved combat or someting?
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Hmmm. I really have no idea what would be causing something like that then. Thats not how the mobs are supposed to behave in those areas :( Unless you've got people that are standing too close to their aggro point?
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I didn't encounter any bugs (except the "timing issues" brokenergy mentioned) while playing the level but there could be made much improvements to the siege because currently it is simply boring. For instance there should be much more creatures attacking or at least a cutscene showing the beleaguerers moving into the village. I tried modifying the siege myself but I can't do more than adding some creatures and letting them come faster. Currently my experience with the toolset is still limited I can't do yet things that difficult.
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