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The wasteland of the Pitt


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Has anyone thought of making a wasteland space surrounding the Pitt? While I was completing the Pitt I kind of realized that it was lacking areas to explore. I am not saying make this wasteland as big as the one around DC but have the same relative elements. For example; Pitt Raider encampments, roving traders, ruined buildings, ( ya know... a wasteland!). However there cannot be any mutated creatures in the Pitt wasteland, it would clash with the Pitt's storyline (Midea never heard of a super mutant before). I think it would be relatively simple to make (I would make it myself, but my computer cannot handle running the GECK).


Remember a few simple wasteland elements:

-Pitt Raider Encampments

-Roving Traders

-Ruined buildings to explore


Thank you for your time.

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1) aren't nearly al lthe pitt raiders under Ashur's control? Outside the pitt is overrun by trogs, from what I understand the pitt is barely surviving (hence the need for forced labor) and that's mainly because of their steel industry. Outside groups of raiders would get pwned.


2) what would there be to trade with for roving traders? The pitt is a very dangerous place to go to. Perhaps a few larger trade caravans (explaining how the rest of the wasteland gets ammo I suppose)


3) okay


4) uhh you misunderstand the story of supermutants. Supermutants in particular were changed by the FEV virus. They were originally created near the west coast, although there are variants now from changed forms of the FEV (explaining their presence in fo3). However, thta doesn't mean that there can't be other kinds of mutated creatures, of which the trogs are an obvious example. There could very well be ghouls, radscorpions, or other esoteric creatures unique to the pitt.


5) not sure how you could tie in a larger wasteland with the pitt's story, which is rather streamlined. I mean sure, it'd be nice to explore afterwards, but then it's not any different from making a random wasteland to explore in anywhere else. It could be LA's wasteland, or Detroit's wasteland, or whatever.

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#5 above pretty much is it. Unless You plan on doing Eastern Pennsylvania in a way that is really original and interesting and consistent with lore, It might as well be anywhere else. (Hint: there's a whole lot of nothing in western Pennsylvania)


The appeal of the Pitt is that the entire city is a northern rust belt industrial city. It's a good place to expand on, and I think someone is working on that - you should get with them to expand the city instead of the outside.


Besides, Those raiders aren't going to be raiding the boonies.

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