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Changing a mod

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I am trying to move and delete objects in a player home mod made by someone other then me,(they have been MIA for over a yr on it sooooo don't belive Im doing anything taboo here.)

and I cannot get it to load like I saved it,the objects are still there and the ones I moved do move but respawn were it used to be even though it is moved



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That sounds to me like the original file is an ESM or false ESM (an ESM with an ESP extension). When you save your work, is the GECK asking for a new file name by chance? You can't save changes to an ESM. You would have to use a utility like FO3Pluggin or FO3Edit to remove the ESM flag from the header record of the file, thus turning it back into an ESP. Then you can set that file as the Active file in the Geck and make changes to it. When your done, you'd have to turn the mod back into an ESM again.


I hope this helps.

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If the mod is an ESM you could load it as a Master make your changes and save as an ESP that way your changes will still apply even if the ESM is updated by the original author.
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