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Semi-gory moddlers wanted


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I'm making a mod inspired by the classic horror film Hellraiser, which is pretty much just BDSM demons with mutilated bodies torture people.

Problem is I can't make these kinky bastards look as horrific as the film did - it'd just be some really really white guys going around with knives. So I wanted to come here for some assistance.


There are a few things I am hoping to have done.


First there's this neck-hole-thing. Ideally it would be able to be worn in the necklace slot. It doesn't need the two big cheek wires, just some smaller ones holding the gash open, connecting at the back of the neck.


Then there's a beautifully burned face which (when I get skyrimaguas' permission) can be built off his unique Krosis Mask.

http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120208172741/cenobite/images/6/6c/2176786128_502dda596d_z.jpghttp://imagizer.imageshack.us/scaled/large/802/krosis.jpgThere's the mask for comparison.


Lastly there's the greatest facial problem of all - Pinhead's Pinhead

http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120822012104/cenobite/images/c/ce/Pinhead_Hellraiser_III_Hell_on_Earth.JPGIt's a face with grid and pins, what more can I say. Now several versions of this have come to me - just silver sticks in his face, a white dragon priest mask with said sticks, or a mask with nails from Hearthfire.


I am asking a fair bit, I know. But I love this movie so much, and I just think it'd be a great addition to Skyrim.

If you like the idea, or just want to see what else I have planned, please send me a message.

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