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Quest: Raising a Deathclaw


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The report button (at the left below your name) can be used for this. As you're online, try it out!


I was going to, but after clicking on the report button you get a message that says that the function is not meant as a form of communication to moderators. It should only be used to flag inappropriate content. As far as I'm concerned, nothing inappropriate has been said. Therefore I lack the proper justification to use that utility.


Sorry, I'm not trying to be a pain or make things more difficult than they need to be. I just don't want to abuse a feature that is implemented to make it easier for modders to do their jobs rather than likening them to callgirls whenever someone has a small booboo. I'm sure that they'll deal with this when they come around to it.


I acknowledge that I am not infalliable. That being said, if I am wrong, please tell me and I will gladly correct my error.


Thank you for your time.



Raizen (aka Owl)

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