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A servant for the lone wanderer!


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I was wondering if someone could help or put me on the right track in order to make a special "personal servant" follower, here is what i would have in mind:


-Special wardrobe of uniforms (not those anime style things, more like something pre war style, i could do it eventually) maybe a whole scavenger hunt type quest to find/make them?


Ideas for abilities outside the home:

-Boost lightly your charisma when around (having servants make peoples see you as more important

-Cannot and won't fight at all, so you have to protect him/her.

-In cities can go fetch "groceries" for you , in exchange for money she would go get you the item of your choice: stimpacks, anti rads, etc...(not too many choices, mostly food, drinks and meds stuffs)



Ideas for practical/funny functions inside player home, those functions should be in realtime and not instantaneous:


-Getting you a drink/food: Choice possible based on what you have in storage in the place, the character would actually go fetch it.

-Cleaning up: Would sort your lockers by item types (not sure how that's possible).

-Dismiss: would stop following you and go stand on an idle point at attention. (you would then get an object to "call" her)

-Call: would make the npc come to you and initiate dialog.

-Scold: Think she's doing a sloppy job? you can scold her with various severity level, (could have a side effect of making her a bit more "speedy" for a little while)



The servant would either cost you money, if it's a human, or if going for the cyborg idea it would eat energy cells (not too fast, not too slow)



I'm afraid i don't know anything from the GECK for now... sooo if someone care to tell me the feasability?

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