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New Vault?


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I'm very new to the whole Fallout world, so, please forgive me if I missed this somewhere but I had a though (having played through all of Fo3's main game and a couple of the DLCs)...

Obviously Vault Tec is the Microsoft of the Vault building world, but, like with Microsoft, Vault Tec HAD to have some competitors before the fall of the bombs. I give this idea out because I have mediocre talent for 3D modeling and/or texture work.


My idea was, at the least, a retexture of the Vaults to fit with a rival company (If Vault Tec is Microsoft, then this rival company would be Apple). For the ambitious, a complete new vault tileset (I know... probably will never happen). A possible story between the companies could be that while Vault Tec became the leader in mass population Vault technology in America, just prior to the war, this rival, international, company was just starting to make in-roads in the American private sector. Small "Home" vaults and "Company" shelters. Obviously Vault Tec was in this business too (explaining all of the user made vaults), but now a new story could be developed regarding corporate espionage between the two companies.


Depending on the Las Vegas DLC that's coming, perhaps it may turn out that the new vault company has a secret vault that was an experiment of design to rival Vault Tecs mass population vaults.


Anyway... I throw that out there for anyone who may find the idea useful.


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Story line wise, Vault-Tec integrated itself into American Government years prior so that when the time came, there really was no other candidate. The real story behind the vaults, however, (((SPOILER!!))) is that they each had a bunch of different tests going on in them. One vault had psychotic drugs being pumped through the air system, Vault 101 was a test to see how humans would respond to one all powerful being (Overseer) for a very long time. Certain ones were planned to never open, some opened prematurely, two vaults (known, anyway) were like "control" vaults, there lucky participants didn't have any weird studies going on in them.


I'm sure there were other Vault-like companies, perhaps, but you could say they never got the real funding they needed.

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They could be made to be... put a manhole cover in the bottom of the pulowski shelters, and then connect it to a small survival shelter, maybe using the metro tunnel sets to symbolize their cheapness.


That would be the best way to do it and keep with the FO storyline.

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They could be made to be... put a manhole cover in the bottom of the pulowski shelters, and then connect it to a small survival shelter, maybe using the metro tunnel sets to symbolize their cheapness.


That would be the best way to do it and keep with the FO storyline.



What about a vault company from other countries? From what I'm being told, Vault Tec was heavily funded by the US government, but what about Vault companies in other countries. US was at war with China, so, how about a China based vault company, or, even staying with allied powers, UK or Italian based?

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Or you know...Polish




the little shelters all over FO3. They have ads on the Fallout 3 site for the shelters as opposed to Vault Tech because they are "There when you actually need them." If you use the More Where That Came From mod you can hear the ad on GNR.


Like Quetzlsacatanango pointed out they could have made cheaper vaults or private ones etc.

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Or you know...Polish




the little shelters all over FO3. They have ads on the Fallout 3 site for the shelters as opposed to Vault Tech because they are "There when you actually need them." If you use the More Where That Came From mod you can hear the ad on GNR.


Like Quetzlsacatanango pointed out they could have made cheaper vaults or private ones etc.


Ok, yes. Forgive me. I had yet to run across the Pulaski shelters ad anywhere in game and seeing as they (the ones I had come across) where never more than a single closet-sized room, I never thought of them as a "vault" company, but yes, it's completely possible they have some small vaults out there. I still say having a new vault tileset (retexture or new 3D) to "compete" with Vault Tec would make for interesting new locations and quest lines.

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That it would, however making custom vaults from Vault-Tec is generally very easy and plus, you can add in a little storyline because Vault-Tec and U.S. was evil.


The other ones will really be harder to make, I dunno, I suppose it could be done.

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Or you know...Polish




the little shelters all over FO3. They have ads on the Fallout 3 site for the shelters as opposed to Vault Tech because they are "There when you actually need them." If you use the More Where That Came From mod you can hear the ad on GNR.


Like Quetzlsacatanango pointed out they could have made cheaper vaults or private ones etc.


Ok, yes. Forgive me. I had yet to run across the Pulaski shelters ad anywhere in game and seeing as they (the ones I had come across) where never more than a single closet-sized room, I never thought of them as a "vault" company, but yes, it's completely possible they have some small vaults out there. I still say having a new vault tileset (retexture or new 3D) to "compete" with Vault Tec would make for interesting new locations and quest lines.


Yeah Pulaski didn't have ANY Radiation risistance as far as we know on the wiki. However this may be a game or technical glitch, but could play out in the story line. Like create a "apple"-esque company, and then have not only the B-class but, the Pulaski for the slums, ghettos, or COMPLETELY unprepared... And yet aren't protected at all. Twisted and sick- but isn't that what makes a good storyline(didn't you see all of the skeletons in those things!?!)? The company could make millions from the state/government so they had differentiation in there vaults as to calm down the public. i.e. keep them ignorant of the fact the government was becoming "Big Brother" from the few conspiracy theorists and ones who knew something fishy was with the vaults. This differentiation made the populace happy while reaping income, and gave the Pulowski company benefits of "accual" vaults for C.E.O.'s and other high ranking officials in the scandal (While also earning Brownie Points for the Government. Maybie THEY got a control vault....). This would add depth to the story and go along-side the "canon" version of Fallout, minus the "apple" company. However this is just an idea i'm slinging around, lol, but who knows?

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