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How do I get my CM Partner to fight with me in the Arena battles?


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His name is Ren, if you have the mod you can see he was one of the already made NPC partners. I'm having problems trying to get him to fight in the Arena though. I've tried adjusting his agression and responsibility several times. But either he is too agressive and tries to fight anyone in the bloodworks, or he goes after the yellow team champion, OR he doesn't fight at all. Even when I engage in battle he just stands around staring. Currently he only has his original weapon, a guard helmet, and an arena light rainment. So I don't think he's unable to decide between weapons or something since he only has one. Not really sure how this mod works but I've tried everything I could think of. I added several arena factions to him at a time including combatant too. His combat style is set at cmdefaultbarbarian and his class is barbarian. He is also apart of playerfaction and his disposition is maxed. So what's the problem? :confused:
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His name is Ren, if you have the mod you can see he was one of the already made NPC partners. I'm having problems trying to get him to fight in the Arena though. I've tried adjusting his agression and responsibility several times. But either he is too agressive and tries to fight anyone in the bloodworks, or he goes after the yellow team champion, OR he doesn't fight at all. Even when I engage in battle he just stands around staring. Currently he only has his original weapon, a guard helmet, and an arena light rainment. So I don't think he's unable to decide between weapons or something since he only has one. Not really sure how this mod works but I've tried everything I could think of. I added several arena factions to him at a time including combatant too. His combat style is set at cmdefaultbarbarian and his class is barbarian. He is also apart of playerfaction and his disposition is maxed. So what's the problem? :confused:

For the most part, companions in the arena are bad news since they can screw up some of the scripting related to who kills who in the arena. It's best to just leave him outside. So just don't do it. The arena fights are easy enough without help.


Everything else is a problem with how the companion is setup, and was either done by you or the person who released the mod.

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Ok, but what are the personality settings for an Orc that makes him fight for me without going ballistic or fighting people on his own? I want him to help fight even guards and innocents. :tongue: I keep adjusting his aggression and responsibility but he either attacks anyone he doesn't like without me starting first or he won't fight at all. For some reason his personality settings effect him a lot different even though I have a couple of other partners with the same settings. And they are exactly how I want them to be. Does it make a difference in Orcs like it does with Dremora?
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"good" settings for a companion would be something along the lines of 10 aggression, 80 confidence, 45 responsibility. Npc of a non-guard flagged class. NPC belongs to player faction, and is not a member of any of the "evil" factions. Npc has a personality and intelligence stat above 30. If that doesn't work, you screwed up something somewhere.


Keep in mind that when changing anything about an NPC, you should ALWAYS load from a save made before that NPC ever came into existence. Various things like factions and dispositions tend to linger from previous values.

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