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Funny Replies You Make To NPCs


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I made some random picture-ones, just so you actually get to see who Godo (aka the Madman) is. I need to remake his skin when I get Photoshop fixed.


See the picture here of the Shivering Isles fun

And here is some pictures of Tamriel fun!


And Photobucket shrank the images...agh...oh yes and Haskill is meant to say 'a glorious existence, truely' BEFORE Godo replies 'I don't like you >('

I'll try taking some of him interacting with the Prophet and his enemies/friends tomorrow! :D

For now, here's something that happened between Godo and Thadon.


Thadon: The CHalice makes everything all better doesn't it? It really helps. I could use some helping right now...I'll just take that from you.

Me: YOU'RE A MAGE! The contents I consumed made me SEE THINGS as if I was influenced by MAGIC. DIE!!!

*punches Thadon and gets attacked by hordes of Golden Saints*

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Those are great! :thumbsup: I may try my hand at making a few. Until then, here's a screenshot of my insane character's crime stats: Behold Sir Killsalot, Scourge of Tamriel! Maybe he and Godo should get together.


Back on topic:


Altmer NPC: "You're a traitor to your own race!"

Me: "I'm a Bosmer, you moron!" *kills Altmer twice for mistaking me for an Altmer*


Marauder to my Argonian: "You'll make a fine pair of boots, Argonian!"

Me: "I'll use your ribcage for a hat and your skin for a tapestry!" *kills marauder, removes ribcage and skin, wears ribcage as a hat, gets weird looks*


Imperial Watch: "Why! Won't! You! DIE!?"

Me: "Because you're too slow to hit me and too weak to kill me anyway!" *puts arrow through Imperial Watchman's eye*


NPC: "I have a feeling you and I are about to become very close."

Me: "Well yeah. I have to get close to kill you with this dagger." *kills amorous NPC*

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I really wish I could tell you what my replies are, but they're usually immature and perverted, and I might get kicked off the site. Oblivion NPCs makes it easy >.> And if you dont believe me: You have the hands of a healer. Hmmm?
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LOL, theses are all great! Keep 'em coming!


NPC: "Looks like you're handy with a blade."

Me: "Wanna see how handy? Try something...funny"


Here is a funny conversation I overheard:

NPC1: "I'm done talking to you!"

NPC2: "I've heard others say the same."

Me to NPC2: "And yet, you didn't get the hint."


Blade1: "Good morning, sir."

Blade2 about 3 seconds later: "Good evening, sir."

Me: :huh: "You guys can't even agree on what time it is and you're the ones protecting Martin? We're all doomed."


Blade, when asked about Cloud Ruler Temple: "Aye, she's a beaut. A few men can hold her against an army for days."

Me: "Umm, yeah. You'd need bows for that and you guys only carry swords. So what, are you going to wait until they're already inside to fight them?"


Me to Jauffre: "Where will Martin be safe."

Jauffre: "Nowhere is truly safe against the forces arrayed against us."

Me: "There must be somewhere." (or whatever the line is)

Jauffre: "Cloud Ruler Temple, I think. A few men can hold it against an army."

Me: "Umm..yeah, let's think about that. It has only one way in or out: the main gate. If the Daedra open an Oblivion Gate right in the door, they can send multiple armies through. Renault, Glenroy, Baurus and myself couldn't save Uriel Septim from a few Mythic Dawn agents. The 10 or 11 Blades there won't last long against the Scamps, Clannfears, Dremora, Daedroth and Atronachs that will be pouring out of there. Oh! Let's take Martin to the Shivering Isles instead! Mehrunes Dagon will never look for him there."


NPC: "I'll kalicrack the findoo! You terratet it!"

Me: "You do that. I'll be...somewhere else."


NPC: "Fribble! Just fribble."

Me: "Boogle chicken."

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Here is a funny conversation I overheard:

NPC1: "I'm done talking to you!"

NPC2: "I've heard others say the same."

Me to NPC2: "And yet, you didn't get the hint."



Thanks, that tickled me :P




Me: Cos I've got god mode on.


NPC: You treachorous little filcher, how DARE you steal from me!

Me: Uhmm... I'm a thief?


Arena Fanboy: WOW! I saw your match against the grey prince. Blah blah blah

Me: Follow your champion - (takes him to the highest point in the game and spawns many) "NOW GTFO!" (Casts Fingers of the Mountain (Level 28 version)




I do get random giggles when lots of npcs say the same thing. I just miss the "YOU N'WAH!" from Morrowind :(

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Ohh, this looks fun. I wanna try.


NPC: How are you?

Me: I give up. How?


NPC: Showing your face was the last mistake you'll ever make!

Me: You mean I'll never make another one? Yay me!


NPC: Showing your face was the last mistake you'll ever make!

Me: Attacking me was yours!


Emperor: You are the one from my dreams.

Me: Like I haven't heard that one before. Couldn't you came up with something original?


NPC: You move like a pregnant cow!

Me: Well at least I don't look like one.

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Good one.


NPC1: Read any books lately?

NPC2: I'm finally getting around to reading *something something*

NPC1: I've never read that. Been meaning to pick it up, though. Perhaps I can read it when you're finished.

NPC2: You too.

Me: Wait what?


NPC: You have words?

Me: Eh...no. ..Ow wait, now I have....Well, goodbye.


NPC: Identify yourself

Me: I am.. (*presses wrong key.)




NPC: Fresh Game

Me: I've completed the Main Quest, I am the Arena Champion and master of all Guilds...HOW in Nirn did you think this is a new game?


NPC:You Elves are all the same! All flash and no fury!

Me: *Casts Wizards Fury

Me: Say what?...I don't hear you anymore now!

NPC:I've seen Mudcrabs fiercer that you!

Me: Oh boy, not that road again.

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Here is a funny conversation I overheard:

NPC1: "I'm done talking to you!"

NPC2: "I've heard others say the same."

Me to NPC2: "And yet, you didn't get the hint."


Legend that...


I got a pic of xcaltar.. ill upload it..

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