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perfect NV


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perfect NV

Just a post that I want to build .its not a proper request(if you want and know how to do something that I’m describing please do it J ) about how I think that New Vegas would be much better. I will do this article in parts.

Factions and combat: most factions have a preferred way of fight depending on available resources:


Bullets and any kind of ammo are much more rare after 200 years than portrait on vanilla NV.

Caesar : On his homeland bullets were a real luxury and on a lucky event his tribe found and old factory of armors full of shield(from riot shields to experimental military ones) body armors and force shields that allow fight on melee against guns. If you are his friends you will have access to good armors and shields and meele.

NCR fight much like modern armies hiding and shooting .have a factory of bullets. If you are their friend you will be able to get buy much more bullets.

BOS fight like tanks . have technology for rework if power cell. Allow you to buy more power cells.

Raiders,khans - Junkies that prey on caravans use any weapon and use heavy drugs that gave many effects( regeneration of a super mutant or speed of a cheetah but sometimes fall dead on the floors). Allow you to buy more and more powerful drugs.


Combat realism

A body for player and NPC with more parts like eyes groin heart etc for have more accurate aiming ex(shooting a power armor on the visor should kill the user with easier) .weaker bodies so if player or npc are not protected by armor or a force shield will die in the first shot.

Armors that decay fast (if shot a Kevlar suit resist well a shot or two but will broke faster)

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