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How to install Oblivion Character overhaul version 2?


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Can someone please give me a step by step process on how to install this mod? I always get the "install blockhead" message.... I have tried to install Blockhead and I believe it's in the right folder, (My Games -Oblivion - OBSE - Plugins)


And then I installed this file: http://media.steampowered.com/content/obse_loader.zip and this file: http://obse.silverlock.org/download/obse_0021.zip into Steamapps - common - Oblivion, and I have installed the mod itself with NMM.


Is there anything I'm doing wrong? I've heard that I need to luanch Oblivion with the OBSE_Loader, but everytime I try to do it, it just says that I should launch Oblivion with Steam and to enable the steam community in-game, which is already enabled. I am very confused with all of this, and I would appreciate it if someone could help me...

Edited by DragonMastress
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