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A question for moderators and vigilantes


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I forgat to add!


They are of all races from all the provinces,I like it that way,to be 'colored' as much as possible.


These are their names-


Marseille 'The Black Bishop' LaRouche-breton necromancer mass murderer from High Rock


Vindel 'Cannibal' Deurus-redguard psychopatic black knight/cannibal from Hammerfell


Groger 'The Mad Butcher' gro-Barbash-orc warlord and torturer from Orsinium


Ralven 'Shadowchaser' Arenni-dark elf manhunting silencer from Morrowind


Ulfar 'The Nightrider' Eriksson-nord barbaric maniac-raider from Skyrim


Aralmo 'The Ash Collector' Yarandill-high elf wizard serial killer from Summerset Isle

M'drassa 'The Panther' J'bari-khajiit psychotic drug dealing tribe leader


Ashuuja-Ji a.k.a.'Swings-With-Guts'-argonian homicidal stalker-slayer from Blackmarsh


Valus 'Pretty Boy' Tremensius-imperial from Cyrodiil,serial sexual predator,cleptomaniac/widow killer




Marulin 'Mudcrab' Idamil-wood elf from Valenwood,multiple personality-paranoid maradeur ranger who hates animals (he is the one I need to finish)


I tried to be very accurate with their names and characters,as well as their background story.I do hope this mod will see the light of the day.


This is a male edition,next month,when I come back here,I will make female one.Now that will attract people,I have no doubts! :D It's always good to have female company.In a large number. :thumbsup:

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Sure I'll test it for you.


I think WilmRoget's idea about posting a disclaimer of that sort is good. That's what I meant with the movie disclaimer example. But I still say, do remember that many mods and vanilla oblivion itself have many disturbing situations and people. There is a mod or two out there that depict bondage, sadomasochism, etc. One mod has women assaulted by an octopus like creature for cryin out loud!


Now, I can get on a soapbox quicker than anyone regarding rape and child molestation. Child molestation is a no no in any form, here or any other mod hosting forum. However, all the other dastardly things we humans do to each other don't seem to be. That doesn't make it right, or insure that a multitude of people will be for or against the mod.


One of the beauties of the board, is that if a mod has sexual or disturbing content, the modder can place that in the description right at the top, then folks have the CHOICE to view/download or not. So I still think you'll be ok. If you really want to get a positive nod from the moderators/admin, then pm one of them. They are really good about getting back to you on questions like that.


If you make it, just let me know when it's done and I'll download and test. I do think it's very admirable of you to be concerned about how your mod will affect others. :thumbsup:


Thanks,brother! :D


It'll be done by the next evening,as I have only one character to finish and to add him a 'prisoner file'.I tweaked the other 9 as much as I could,I placed many items in their inventories to match their characters and I added them lore-fitting armors and outfits,all enchanted,many,many goodies they have. :)They are ruthless,they are merciless,they are aggressive,and they don't care.Perfect for the evil characters around here.


And,of course no child molest is involved,I have 9 cousin-sisters and on half sister,all underage,I love children,and I am not like that at all.


Though,there is a slight problem.One of my characters IS a convicted sex criminal.I tried to make them different from each other,so,every one of them is a criminal of a specific kind.So,for example,one is a serial torturer,one is a necromancer necrophiliac,the other is a barbaric warlord always up for mutilation of the dead ones,one is a cold-blooded killer merc type,I have one head-chopping tribe leader,a deadra worshiping wizard,and at the end,yes,I made one who is a perverted sexual predator.I didn't made him to look serious in his 'story' though.I wrote his 'file' as a brute-comedy style like in Tarantino's movies.I wonder if that could be a problem...


Anyways,thanks again,I will inform you about the mod end as soon as possible,so you can see it,and to give me some advice,what's good and what's not good. :thumbsup:


You make that "thanks sister" and you got a deal :thumbsup: I love Tarentino, so of course it is ok by me. If you're worried about the sexual predator issue, you could make that one a multiple personality disordered sociopath (yeah I teach psychology, lol). One personality would be seemingly very accomodating and nice, yet he is in cahoots with his "dark" side that does prey on NPCs male or female. Then of course you'd have to have the truly innocent and unaware personality, since in MPD the person is not aware they have alters, but the alters are aware of the person. You could make that person a master of poison and a cannibal. Cannibal, Hannibel Lector style would be really good, lol :biggrin:


Ok, I'm looking forward to it, just holla when you're done!


Ok, never mind, lol I just read the descriptions again, you've got 'em all, so just go with what ya got! :smile:

Edited by Netwit2008
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Sure I'll test it for you.


I think WilmRoget's idea about posting a disclaimer of that sort is good. That's what I meant with the movie disclaimer example. But I still say, do remember that many mods and vanilla oblivion itself have many disturbing situations and people. There is a mod or two out there that depict bondage, sadomasochism, etc. One mod has women assaulted by an octopus like creature for cryin out loud!


Now, I can get on a soapbox quicker than anyone regarding rape and child molestation. Child molestation is a no no in any form, here or any other mod hosting forum. However, all the other dastardly things we humans do to each other don't seem to be. That doesn't make it right, or insure that a multitude of people will be for or against the mod.


One of the beauties of the board, is that if a mod has sexual or disturbing content, the modder can place that in the description right at the top, then folks have the CHOICE to view/download or not. So I still think you'll be ok. If you really want to get a positive nod from the moderators/admin, then pm one of them. They are really good about getting back to you on questions like that.


If you make it, just let me know when it's done and I'll download and test. I do think it's very admirable of you to be concerned about how your mod will affect others. :thumbsup:


Thanks,brother! :D


It'll be done by the next evening,as I have only one character to finish and to add him a 'prisoner file'.I tweaked the other 9 as much as I could,I placed many items in their inventories to match their characters and I added them lore-fitting armors and outfits,all enchanted,many,many goodies they have. :)They are ruthless,they are merciless,they are aggressive,and they don't care.Perfect for the evil characters around here.


And,of course no child molest is involved,I have 9 cousin-sisters and on half sister,all underage,I love children,and I am not like that at all.


Though,there is a slight problem.One of my characters IS a convicted sex criminal.I tried to make them different from each other,so,every one of them is a criminal of a specific kind.So,for example,one is a serial torturer,one is a necromancer necrophiliac,the other is a barbaric warlord always up for mutilation of the dead ones,one is a cold-blooded killer merc type,I have one head-chopping tribe leader,a deadra worshiping wizard,and at the end,yes,I made one who is a perverted sexual predator.I didn't made him to look serious in his 'story' though.I wrote his 'file' as a brute-comedy style like in Tarantino's movies.I wonder if that could be a problem...


Anyways,thanks again,I will inform you about the mod end as soon as possible,so you can see it,and to give me some advice,what's good and what's not good. :thumbsup:


You make that "thanks sister" and you got a deal :thumbsup: I love Tarentino, so of course it is ok by me. If you're worried about the sexual predator issue, you could make that one a multiple personality disordered sociopath (yeah I teach psychology, lol). One personality would be seemingly very accomodating and nice, yet he is in cahoots with his "dark" side that does prey on NPCs male or female. Then of course you'd have to have the truly innocent and unaware personality, since in MPD the person is not aware they have alters, but the alters are aware of the person. You could make that person a master of poison and a cannibal. Cannibal, Hannibel Lector style would be really good, lol :biggrin:


Ok, I'm looking forward to it, just holla when you're done!


Ok, never mind, lol I just read the descriptions again, you've got 'em all, so just go with what ya got! :smile:


A woman who teaches psychology and likes Oblivion! Woohoo!Impressive!I,myself, have read psychology literature a lot,and as an ex-warrior,had a chance to gain some raw education about it. ;) Best way to learn is by practice. :thumbsup:


Sorry for the 'brother' thing,sister. ;)


You perfectly said there,multiple personality it is already,one side is a very 'innocent' looking and the other is a 'there is no 'no' as an answer' wacko.

His name is Valus 'Pretty Boy' Tremensius,and he is a 'womanizer/bard',a real 'Don Juan',lol.You know,when he is not busy with killing and abuse innocent people for no reason. :whistling: As for the Hannibal Lecter,I was inspired by him to do the altmer guy,'Ash Collector',You're gonna love his face,I characterized him visually as much as it was possible. :biggrin:


They are ready,I am making some special screenies of them now,will be up in no time! :thumbsup:

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