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Merchant Mod


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Forgive me if this has been done already, but I thought of a idea that someone can use if they want. Basically you would buy a storefront from where you would buy a house in each city, and the way you sell your goods is you put everything you want to sell in a chest, and random NPC's like 'Adventurer' would spawn in the store from time to time if your in it, and open conversation with you. There you can open up the trade menu, and sell things from your stock. It would be like the random NPC is the store owner, but done in a way where it feels like your the owner. If anyone has any ideas, or critizism please comment.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Probably pretty simple, however selling stuff out of a chest would, as far as i can tell, take alot of script. Could be simplified by making it very similar to the black hand/dark brotherhood thing, where you get the proffits for each week if you bring some stock to store or something along those lines.

Just some ideas. I'll help anyone who wants to try & do this

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The thing wouldn't be that difficult. It's just depending on the way you're doing it.

You could put items in a chest that'll simply be sold using some OBSE functions, GetGoldValue, to determine its value (any scripter could weigh the mercantile skill in to adjust the gold that'll be given to the player ) while walking through inventory items.


Or, you'll force the player to remove all his own items to a second chest. Then wear some merchant clothes that are quest items (so they can't be sold.) You'd still use the chest, but this time when you 'start' playing merchant all other items the player posses will be placed in another chest and the chest in which you've put item to sell will be transfered back to the player just before the barter menu starts. The 'buyer' would still use the merchant style, but indeed you're probably going to benefit from it. When the player wants to quit all his items are returned. And the unsold items are put back into the first chest.

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