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[RIPz] Gunslinger Mod ~~


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Hiya everybody


It came to my mind that there wasnt any pistol/rifle mod that was quite well made. I use SSS and his gun animation and shooting is amazing..


So here i am.


I have this idea, if anybody can join and help out, here is the idea.


Instead of "replacing" an actual animation (like the staff) from oblivion, how about it goes like this. You leave a rifle on the ground on in a shop stand and instead of pressing SPACE to take it into your invo you have to press another key simultinously, to NOT pick the gun up in your invo but to actually hold it in your hand.

So for ex. SPACE + G (or any other) , the player picks up the gun in his hand and keep it there, and press another key to shoot for ex H (which will be like using a special spell without an magic effects but will look like a bullet). When you are finished just press SPACE + G and you can drop the gun.


Many people (IF any people knows me thats is) will know that i am a horrible modder (which is too say i dont mod at all) so thats why i am hiring your skills ( too anybody interested.


We will need: A scripter




I know its kinda huge (for me it is) so dont feel bad turning me downs >.<

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