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FONV will not work


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okay i have g.e.c.k up and running did the pip search and i am at the part of here http://s26.postimg.org/ccw2q33ih/td8.jpg


AH nvm found it now what?

ok, td8 means you did not enable any master file. at the top left side you will see (firle) click and open, select data, then double check the main master file so it is [X] next to it, continue, all ow it to load. now, td7 will show the data as I showed to. do the pip thing there and this time you will find it's counterpart. follow the on screen directions of td7 here is how the data is actually displayed on files loaded in ram, all files accessible.


this purpose is to train you in locating files and their dependencies. in your case, you killed off the characters pipboy and are left with gaps in the game.


what you have done is remove needed files by UN-installing mods that had previously overwritten default files. The un-install did don put back the overwritten files, there is no backups available during overwrites for you to do so, SO, the end result will be, missing data and a broken game.


the IDles are part of the object as seen in td7, when the game has NOT loaded any mods or plugins, data is hidden from you so no, you can't find what we would call know files, real world words in the files directory of extracted files, because these are links.


to take thnings even deeper here ,Nifsckope holds linked data to textures, data that a file required when loaded into game ram during play.


Pointing to textures it requires, this is a mesh file. your oopipboy.NIF needs textures too, but those are never erased, those reside inside the bsa archive.

Unless things have been done to prevent replacements? but the mesh files are easy to overwrite. the code for these overwrite gets Embedded into saved games too, and this can act as an override and prevent you from using default data so the data is not or appears to not be there, AKA an invisible arm.


xml files too left over or behind can also cause bad things like this to happen. How this is determined is the mods list, Files used in them and game installed configurations applied.


Long day, for me, kids at school play so I was gone.


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go back and read the post, this is just picture format to show you what and how we find things. Keep these shots for references.


you extracted the main *.nif file right? well now you need to extract all the Idles for that *.nif to work, or test as it is and see if the pip nif fixed the problem, AKA you have a pipboy now?


is there something your not sure of?

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Hi, good morning, um, when you select data, groups of data, the system-and Fomm's tools will now follow a system wide attribute, it will create actual folders based on the internal structure of that bsa archive. in this case, look at the-screen shot inside the windows of the bsa archive that shows the data "paths"


the extraction process should deposit the Entire path, folder names and sub files you selected into the highlighted main "Data folder" or if you want it not to go into the game at a all? you can place them any where out side to play with, create things, edit things, but these then you need to package up and know how to make mods with.


so, select the characters only as a group, hit extrac, select the game Data folder and hit save. it will deposit the files in the right place .close it all down and run the game and verify you have your pipboy back.


now if not and the files are in the correct places, Don't panic. instead. close the game down and reopen it, and chose a save that is fresh from the vault, Way before installing any mods that might have had influences over that item.


if then your pipboy is there, then the last saved game is toast. if you can not establish the pipboy period, you may need to uninstall ity and reinstall it all over again.


these are the risks involved, the only other thing that an cause it is an xml file sitting somewhere overriding the games main structures and operation, any UI mods do that, DarnUI will do that, things like that.

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