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Love to see this mod become useable.


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Okay so I have had this idea ever since I downloaded the Feng Sheui mod. I noticed that there is like one mod that adds actual furniture. Now I'm no modder and that is why I don't just do this myself. Now keep in mind this would be a massive mod. Due to this I would not feel bad about anyone taking this idea.


Well while decorating my Tenpenny home I wanted a table to put all my alien food on. So i tried fabricating one using Feng Sheui mod with baseball bats and a pre war book. To say i failed. I want to see a mod where you can shoot a gun( or something of sorts) at any item in the game such as a car or a table, it places that item in an infinite inventory inside of your inventory that is weightless, and be able to place it in your home like a normal item (such as a bear or a whiskey bottle you know its an actual item when you shoot it but not when you dont).


I believe this mod would have a lot of potential and whoever makes it would actually love it. Please I really want to see this mod made. If you are going to make this inform me. I want this mod soooooo badly. Thank you all you modders. I love everything you guys do it is truely amazing.

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Well, there is one tool that already allows you to do what you are asking. It is called the GECK.





It's an interesting idea. I have to admit that placing items in the GECK is a Pain with a capital 'P'.


Doing it in game is much easier but you can't just get any item you want just what you have at hand. If you had a mod like this you could copy items from all over then just call for them later for placement. It's really not a bad idea.

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Well, there is one tool that already allows you to do what you are asking. It is called the GECK.





It's an interesting idea. I have to admit that placing items in the GECK is a Pain with a capital 'P'.


Doing it in game is much easier but you can't just get any item you want just what you have at hand. If you had a mod like this you could copy items from all over then just call for them later for placement. It's really not a bad idea.


Honestly, I was thinking just the opposite. I find placeing items in the GECK far simpler that trying to move stuff around while in game... Then again, maybe that is just because I spend more time working with 3D modeling programs and game engines than I do actually playing games.

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I want to see a mod where you can shoot a gun( or something of sorts) at any item in the game such as a car or a table, it places that item in an infinite inventory inside of your inventory that is weightless, and be able to place it in your home like a normal item ...

Yeah, I think this is a great idea, and I was already considering trying something like it for Feng Shui. Originally I was just planning on making Misc Item versions of all those things and add them to the Clutter Box so you could get them anywhere. But because there will eventually be a lot of such objects, even if I have separate clutter boxes for different categories, it will still be a lot to look through to find what you want or to even know what's available. So in addition to clutter boxes, I planned to add a "clone object" feature, so any object you see in the game you could clone and then manipulate it, rather than moving the original object itself (you'll still be able to do that too in most cases). I've already got the mechanics for this "cloning" done, since I needed it to do everything I wanted to do for statics and furniture.


I watched some of the RTS videos a few days ago, and in this one I saw how they let you pack objects into your Brahmin so you can take it out somewhere else later. I had only vaguely thought about need to do something like that, but after seeing it, and now your request, it makes a lot of sense.


So anyway, what I'll probably do is add another option to allow you to clone an object to a container for later (in addition to cloning it right there, or manipulating the original object).


By the way, I agree with Tony that it's easier to do all this kind of stuff in the GECK (if you know how to use it), but Feng Shui is no more a replacement for cell editing with the GECK than Weapon Mod Kits is for editing weapons with the GECK.

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