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Good Quick Bar


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I'm not sure how many people have posted about this, and I know there are other Quick Bar mods, but with the release of Awakening, there are so many abilities now that they do not fit all on that 1 bar. I was wondering if it was possible to make a mod where there was more than 1 bar on the screen, like a little 5-7 slot bar above the default bar. It would be a major help to anyone. Thanks for the feedback.
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I'm not sure how many people have posted about this, and I know there are other Quick Bar mods, but with the release of Awakening, there are so many abilities now that they do not fit all on that 1 bar. I was wondering if it was possible to make a mod where there was more than 1 bar on the screen, like a little 5-7 slot bar above the default bar. It would be a major help to anyone. Thanks for the feedback.


if you click and hold on the 3 vertical lines at the end of your action bar, you can drag it to fill the width of your screen, opens up quite a few more slots :D

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  • 1 year later...

Solutions that increase the number of quickbars are helpful, but are not ideal since they take up screen at the bottom. Mods that swop out one quick bar for another show more promise, but one has to beware they aren't more trouble than they are worth having to swop from one to another. And if the swop is automatic, based on some trigger, then there is still the pain of having to set it up very carefully to get access to what you need on each occasion.


I'd have thought the best solution would be one you could click on the bar items and drag left or right to scroll though the item slots. Have previously visible skills/spells/items disappear at one end of the bar whilst other skills/spells/items appear at the other end; regardless which way you scroll.


Ideally it should be a loop around design so having got to the end of the 'item chain' it starts again with items from the start, fairly seamlessly. Perhaps an idea would be to always ensure one empty slot in order to facilitate adding further items, so an addition of one simply makes the 'item chain' one longer. And maybe a warning if you are trying to add something a second time, just in case it was unintentional.


But I guess that is difficult or we'd have seen someone offer it by now?

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  • 11 months later...
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