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The Dark Brotherhood Expansion Pack


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http://www.thedarkbrotherhood.com is the home of a very

talented and proffesional modding team that will be creating in my

estimation the best faction expansion mod to ever grace our computer screens.


They have skilled proffesionals that are involved in gaming, media and

screenwriting proffesions and the scope of their undertaking is truly massive.


We will be releasing the mod in chilling episodes that will leave you on the edge of your seats.

Our first installment will be titled "The Awakening".

Prepare to be shocked and horrified.







A quest and faction modification for Bethesda Softworks’

“The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion.”


Written by EdgeFilm


Based on the ideas of the Dark Brotherhood Community


“Thither thin Sithis did slither the plinth

So she supped and she sipped on thick absinthe

Thus sated she waited, her sick thoughts with pith

Lisping sibilant hisses does this Sithis writhe


"Amusing sport," insolent Sithis doth say,

"This hundredth pastime in ether’s sweet sway.

The assassin’s soul, his carcass is a myth that I miss

Sailing insane into the teeth of the ceaseless abyss."


Whither Sithis withered, this they seldom say,

A rancid kiss of passing sin, sagging death doth sway,

On a starry isthmus soaked by thick salinic slime,

Whisper thelemic solipsisms on supple flesh sublime.”


- Hlireni Indavel

“Mad God’s Masque and Bellacose





“The Dark Brotherhood: Awakening” is an Oblivion modification that seeks to expand the storyline of the Dark brotherhood beyond what the game itself contains. An all new quest line involving a sinister plan to rebuild the Dark Brotherhood and the Black Hand will send players across Cyrodiil performing some of the most heinous acts imaginable, acts beyond simply murder, but bestowing fates worse than death on those that would betray the Brotherhood. Beyond that, multiple side quests will be developed that will keep the blood flowing and satiate the Night Mother.


After a deeply harrowing series of dreams, you must investigate a disturbance in the Brotherhood. Consulting with a few colleagues, and listening to the Night Mother herself, will only lead to furthering your confusion. Learning about an as-of-yet undiscovered “Prophecy of Sithis,” and a strange archaic ritual that will no doubt test the mettle of even the most cold-hearted Dark Brotherhood agents, things with the Dark Brotherhood begin to become increasingly unstable. On top of this, a well-know wandering Paladin who has shown up in the Imperial city has begun asking questions about the Brotherhood. Just as the Brotherhood have started of rebuilding, these events in such close succession have the potential to shake it to the ground forever, or elevate it beyond anything it has been before. The choice, adventurer, is yours.


“The Dark Brotherhood” is widely regarded as one of the most interesting and entertaining aspects of “The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion.” From its style, to gameplay, to mission variety, it allows players to explore a darker side of themselves that some might not be aware of and truly push the limits of their morality in a virtual setting.


However, many of us who have experienced the story of the Dark Brotherhood must have felt that it only scratched the surface of perhaps one of the most compelling concepts in role-playing game history. That is why an overwhelming effort is underway to further the storyline of this dynamic and intriguing faction, and bring aspects of the Brotherhood into new light. “The Dark Brotherhood Mod” will attempt to dig deeper into darker and more terrifying ideas centered around the Brotherhood, challenging players to truly test the integrity of their moral fiber.


Will you prove your unwavering loyalty to the Brotherhood? Or will you break under the strain of the unholiest of practices? Only time will tell...

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