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Vault Door Trouble.


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Im in the middle of making my first vault in G.E.C.K. and has run into a little problem. :confused:

I have placed the big vault entrance door, and added 2 terminals (one inside and one outside the vault , ofc :tongue: ) to open and close the door, and linked ref them to the vault door.

No problem yet, i can use the terminals to open and close the vault door just fine.. But :huh: .. here comes the problem. I can also just click on the door itself to open/cloce it, and i dont want that.

Can anyone tell me how to disable that function. So that the door only can be opened and closed from the terminals??


Thanks in advance :cool:

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Hmm :confused: .. well it worked. But a bit too good. Now when i try to activet the door itself i get the massage

("this object is activated from somewhere els") and thats good. But, i get the same massage when i try to activate the door from the terminal now. :blink:

This is what i have done so far.


1:Placed the Vault door and the two terminals.


2:Cheked the "Persistent Reference" on both the door and the two terminals.


3:(Both Terminals) Under "Reference Batch Action" i cheked "Set linked ref" and selected the Vault door as Referance. and the fine litle green/yellow arrow showed on the screen between the terminal and the door, as ecspectet.


4:(Vault door) Under the "Activate Parents" i cheked the "Parent Activate Only" as you mentioned


So what am i doing wrong.? :huh:


But so far thanks for the replay and the help :cool:

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Using a terminal is a bit different than using a switch like the tutorial. I missed that the first time I read your post. Do you not want there to be an option inside the termianl to open and close the vault door? The actiate parent action only works for activating (clicking on) an object, not selecting an option from the terminal. When I use a terminal to perform an operation like that, I script the action in the results script of the terminal option and skip the whole activate parent thing. I have never used a terminal as an Activate parent like you are trying, so I am not sure how or if that would work. If you just use switches, like the tutorial, then what I described before should work. If you want to use a terminal, then you'll need to use some scripting techniques. If you want to know what those are, just post a reply asking for such.
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:sweat: sorry, my mistake. :tongue:

Its not a terminal im using.

Its the "VGearDoorControlPanel". so yes a clicking on object.

So to update my problem.


1:Placed the Vault door and the two terminals.


2:Cheked the "Persistent Reference" on both the door and the two DoorControlPanels.


3:(Both DoorControlPanels.) Under "Reference Batch Action" i cheked "Set linked ref" and selected the Vault door as Referance. and the fine litle green/yellow arrow showed on the screen between the DoorControlPanel and the door, as ecspectet.


4:(Vault door) Under the "Activate Parents" i cheked the "Parent Activate Only" as you mentioned


So what can i be doing wrong?

Do i need to go under the Vault door and do somthing other then "Persistent Reference" and the "Parent Activate Only" part?


If you go through my step 1 to 4. does i look like i am doing it the right way/order.?


Hope you can help me with my problem :unsure:



Edit: :wacko: Hmm i have now tried about 10 different ways of doing this, without any luck.

If you feel up to it, you would make me very Very happy :woot: if you could do a quick step by step as i made(1-4), in have to make this work. Starting after i have placed the "Vault Gear door" and the two "DoorControlPanels" ofc :blush:

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I'm glad you got it to work. I just wanted to say that unless there is some script using the LinkedRef, there is no need to make the vault door the linked ref of the switches. Only the activate parent is needed from the door to the switches. So the door doesn't need to be persistent either. But you got it to work, so... If it aint broke, don't fix it. :biggrin:
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I found out that the reason the Activate ref did not work, was that the "DoorControlPanels" i was using, had a script in it and i therefor could not get it to work :wallbash: . so i just removed the script, and it worked.. :woot:

So no mere messing around with the Linked ref option, unless im going to use the terminals :tongue:


But Thanks for you help pkleiss. You gave me a push in the right direction. :thumbsup:

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