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Does anybody use FCOM and A Bloody Mess?


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Ever since installing FCOM, one of my favorite mods, A Bloody Mess, doesn't work. Except, old saves from my previous install. They still have the blood effects, but new saves with this install do not.


I'm wondering if it's because FCOM changes the names of so many creatures and NPC factions. Maybe Blood Mess only displays blood from certain monsters with certain names, to avoid skeletons causing blood, etc. When I tested my old install saves, I killed a regular wolf. In my new install save, I'm killing Fallen Ones, Vilverin Thugs, and other all new named enemies. That's the only thing I can think of. Or it might have something to do with shaders being loaded at the start of the game? :confused: And with my new install saves, something in FCOM is conflicting, but with my old install games, they've already been loaded. Does that sound like something that could happen?


I remember reading that other people were having this problem in the comments thread, but I can't get onto the Nexus right now. It's going really slow if at all.



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