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Tatsunoko's Casshern suit!


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who are these people? Well back in the 70's Tatsunoko was THE anime company, and though I love many of there creations Neo Human Casshern is my absoluty favorite, the character in particular Casshern.


Bit of info on Casshern and some pics:



Now in Tatsunoko vs capcom I get to kick ass with him and Ken (really wish Speed Racer was in the game though T_T)


But its not quite enough for me, and then I thought of this.


Could anybody out there make the Casshern suit and helmet (seperatly of course) either from the 1973 anime or the 2005 one, since they are essentually one in the same as opposed to the atrocious looking 2004 live action suit.


Now I'll be happy with most any effort to this end but I do have some spesfic requests.


1.I use brezes male body, and I'd idealy like the suit to be skin tight as it is in the anime, however I'll be able to understand if the best one can muster is a retextured Chinese Stealth Suit(so long as one remembers to add his huge poped coller XD).


2.The armors funconality in the game, if you'd watch a clip or two of the anime, you'd see that Casshern punches through steal robots and the like, and so to reflect that I'd like this suit to make your unarmed dammage quite high, I'm not sure how high exactly but see.

I play Fallout Wanders edition and while my H2H'er can survive just fine in vinella fallout, its not quite the case now, and so I would idealy like this suit to make H2H a viable option in F.O.W.E.

I was thinking unarmed dammage inc,high DR, and some AP points, I don't know much about the games programing so I dont know how much these things would be needed to be boosted in order to make my time unarmed in F.O.W.E. easier so perhaps I'm asking for a godly armor, in which case I havet any real objection I mean Casshern IS a super hero afterall.


well thats pretty much it, I hope someone is intrested or has any questions.

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