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less weight for the "toy gun"


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i forgotten the name for that "toy gun" u can use to call forth the space beam of death. but what im asking is is there anyway to make a mod that fixes everything thats wrong with this weapon? (like all the fixs one mod has) but also incress the power of the weapon so it can kill things like something ths powerfull could. (but not to powerfull to where it blows u up also (like a mod makes the beam a mini nuke O-o dont want that) and has less weight since some punk kid is able to run around and play with it. i would think something like this weapon would be no more then 1- 5 pounds..


to the point


makes fixes for the "toygun"

make it have less weight

make the beam stronger.


when the suns out give it inf ammo



im not asking for a balance im asking for something that would be something real like u might see in fallout. theres no way it would be that weak ans heavy among other things.

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I'm not sure how the damage thing would work, as I'm pretty sure the attack is a scripted effect, but the other two should be a simple GECK edit. I'm not currently at home, but I could certainly give it a look in a couple days for you (assuming nobody else does) If you don't want to wait I could probably walk you through it from here. Just keep in mind I'm very new to modding.
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Actually the ammo may pose a problem as well due to it being scripted to add another cell every 24 hours (or whatever the time frame is). I'll have to check that out. I have absolutely no experience with scripting, so if it does end up conflicting you'll have to get a more experienced modder to do it. But I like the idea, and if I can get it to work I will. I'll even pokey nose around, see if I can get the scripting to work.
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Oh I know how to do that, I'm just unsure if that would conflict with the script that adds another cell every 24 hours. I suppose the worst it could do would probably just add another one... As I mentioned before, I won't be able to do any of this until Wedneday or Thursday.
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Oh I know how to do that, I'm just unsure if that would conflict with the script that adds another cell every 24 hours.

OK that comment right there worries me. You don't have two scripts, I'm saying add the block of code to Euclid's C-Finder script.


For example look at this;




scn LaserRifleAmmoRegen

; regen the ammo for the recharger rifle
float updateTime

begin onEquip player
	set updateTime to 0

begin GameMode

short delta
	if player.GetItemCount AmmoMicroFusionCell <= 999
		if updateTime <= 0
;			ShowMessage LaserAmmoRegen delta GameHour updateTime
			player.additem AmmoMicroFusionCell 1 1

			set updateTime to 2
			set updateTime to (updateTime - GetSecondsPassed )




If you change the ammo to a unique type that isn't found in the gameworld (the same way the microfusionbreeder is) and change the count to a low number (say 1) as well as the target update time you can have the pistol "recharge" set to whatever you like. A second, several seconds, every minute, every hour, whatever you want. Right now it's setup to recharge every 2 seconds.

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thats really cool. tobad i know nothing about the geck. xD thanks for everyone for taking a look at my request have not been on (lost post also)

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thats really cool. tobad i know nothing about the geck. xD thanks for everyone for taking a look at my request have not been on (lost post also)

No problem. Could you clarify some points/details, since it's your request?



makes fixes for the "toygun"

Which fixes do you want? Keep in mind if it's another authors work we can't include it without permission, however if it's a fix I may be able to reverse engineer it.


make it have less weight

This is your call, how much do you want it to weigh? 2lbs, 3lbs?


make the beam stronger.

The wiki lists it as 150, how much do you want it to do?



when the suns out give it inf ammo

No problem already set that up in the code above, but there's really a minimum amount of time before you can fire the weapon again (the animated effect on the pistol, the blast etc). The wiki list 5 seconds, but the script seems to imply less than 9 (< 9). So do you want it set to minimum wait time (maximum fire rate) or would you rather have it fire at a different rate (once every 30 seconds, once a minute etc). It's your call.

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