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Metro 2033


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I finished the game over the weekend...


To be honest, those with powerful hardware will enjoy the game a little bit more than those who don't have the hardware. With the detail level cranked up, the game oozes atmosphere and the immense visuals just immerse the player that bit more into the gloomy game world.


The game is pretty intense...ammo is not that hard to come by, but the monsters take quite a beating and you often find yourself trying to save your last handful of shotgun bullets. A few times during the game I had to resort to using the trusty knife because I had run out of ammo. So it's definitely not a game where you just run in guns blazing - do that and two levels down the line you're going to wish you hadn't.


Back to the atmosphere for a second...the game does a good job of building up tension with lots of dimly lit rooms and corridors, and once outside you'll be keeping a check on your oxygen levels constantly. Your gas mask can be damaged during fighting, so sometimes you'll be squinting through a cracked visor (with vapour build-up) trying to see where you're going. Your breathing will also become more and more laboured as your oxygen supply runsd thin, which further raises the tension levels .Nearby monsters will sometimes growl from the darkness and generally the game does have a spooky feel about it.

Once monsters attack, they usually do so in groups and the fighting is brutal and intense. They'll spring up at you from the darkness, attempt to flank you and are very hard to take down. Now and then one will get you on the ground and you will have to tape the E key like crazy to fend it off.

In the darkness, with muzzle flashes and the monsters being illuminated by your torch, the game looks positively amazing.

The game is quite difficult, on the level of Stalker I'd say, and like Stalker you can be quickly and cruelly cut down without having offered up much resistance. Enemy soldiers are uncannily accurate even in the gloom and as said before the monsters are sometimes almost ridiculously tough. I once emptied an entire magazine clip into a monster and it kept coming.

I like the humour in some of the dialogue...it lightens the otherwise sombre mood of the game and has you chuckling as your NPC character curses a particular situation.


I think the game raises the graphical bar in videogames. Unfotrunately I could only play the game on 'High' with advanced DOF and tessellation on, but taking dozens of screenshots in FRAPS I didn't notice much of a difference from 'very high' to merely 'high' settngs. There is quite a significant difference from 'medium' to the higher settings though, particularly in the lighting effects.

Nonetheless, the game looks pretty good even on the lower settings.

Some don't like the advanced DOF feature, but I think there are times when it looks really good. I suppose it's a matter of taste.

A word of warning - don't even attempt to run 4xMSAA. Your framerates drop alarmingly. They drop significantly (by about 20 fps) with advanced DOF on as well, so be careful about that.


For those with the hardware, you will be treated to simply astounding lighting effects and oftentimes you'll be glad you invested the money in the hardware, because the game sometimes amazes you from a visual point of view. It's not a pretty game like Crysis or Just Cause 2, in fact the game has a gritty, almost dirty look, but there is no doubt the the visuals are spectacular.

It's not just about the visuals though, because the sound, often overlooked in many games, is top-notch. It's probably the best sound I've heard in a game in years.


All in all I enjoyed the game a lot. At it's core it's a bog-standard fps game, but it has some really nice gameplay touches along the way. It's tough, atmospheric, sometimes pretty scary and full of action. There is some nice touches of humour too.

The visuals and sound raise the bar to another level and for some that alone would be worth the price of admission.

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I might wait until i get the :biggrin: gtx480 when it gets its act together and ships it properly, I'm going to have to wait on this one.



Nope i am after all, i bought one of these bad boys :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:



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I finished the game over the weekend...


To be honest, those with powerful hardware will enjoy the game a little bit more than those who don't have the hardware. With the detail level cranked up, the game oozes atmosphere and the immense visuals just immerse the player that bit more into the gloomy game world.


The game is pretty intense...ammo is not that hard to come by, but the monsters take quite a beating and you often find yourself trying to save your last handful of shotgun bullets. A few times during the game I had to resort to using the trusty knife because I had run out of ammo. So it's definitely not a game where you just run in guns blazing - do that and two levels down the line you're going to wish you hadn't.


Back to the atmosphere for a second...the game does a good job of building up tension with lots of dimly lit rooms and corridors, and once outside you'll be keeping a check on your oxygen levels constantly. Your gas mask can be damaged during fighting, so sometimes you'll be squinting through a cracked visor (with vapour build-up) trying to see where you're going. Your breathing will also become more and more laboured as your oxygen supply runsd thin, which further raises the tension levels .Nearby monsters will sometimes growl from the darkness and generally the game does have a spooky feel about it.

Once monsters attack, they usually do so in groups and the fighting is brutal and intense. They'll spring up at you from the darkness, attempt to flank you and are very hard to take down. Now and then one will get you on the ground and you will have to tape the E key like crazy to fend it off.

In the darkness, with muzzle flashes and the monsters being illuminated by your torch, the game looks positively amazing.

The game is quite difficult, on the level of Stalker I'd say, and like Stalker you can be quickly and cruelly cut down without having offered up much resistance. Enemy soldiers are uncannily accurate even in the gloom and as said before the monsters are sometimes almost ridiculously tough. I once emptied an entire magazine clip into a monster and it kept coming.

I like the humour in some of the dialogue...it lightens the otherwise sombre mood of the game and has you chuckling as your NPC character curses a particular situation.


I think the game raises the graphical bar in videogames. Unfotrunately I could only play the game on 'High' with advanced DOF and tessellation on, but taking dozens of screenshots in FRAPS I didn't notice much of a difference from 'very high' to merely 'high' settngs. There is quite a significant difference from 'medium' to the higher settings though, particularly in the lighting effects.

Nonetheless, the game looks pretty good even on the lower settings.

Some don't like the advanced DOF feature, but I think there are times when it looks really good. I suppose it's a matter of taste.

A word of warning - don't even attempt to run 4xMSAA. Your framerates drop alarmingly. They drop significantly (by about 20 fps) with advanced DOF on as well, so be careful about that.


For those with the hardware, you will be treated to simply astounding lighting effects and oftentimes you'll be glad you invested the money in the hardware, because the game sometimes amazes you from a visual point of view. It's not a pretty game like Crysis or Just Cause 2, in fact the game has a gritty, almost dirty look, but there is no doubt the the visuals are spectacular.

It's not just about the visuals though, because the sound, often overlooked in many games, is top-notch. It's probably the best sound I've heard in a game in years.


All in all I enjoyed the game a lot. At it's core it's a bog-standard fps game, but it has some really nice gameplay touches along the way. It's tough, atmospheric, sometimes pretty scary and full of action. There is some nice touches of humour too.

The visuals and sound raise the bar to another level and for some that alone would be worth the price of admission.

Hlow in the hell can you run it with advanced DOF? It drops my fps by half in hard to run areas, and many reviewers have noted this also.

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I think I have advanced DOF on.....

I dunno....



woot i'm getting this game for sure, i now have a gtx470, and they say it can be completely maxed out with one of these baby's, i am going sli for sure.


i bet this game is a great benchmark :thumbsup: .

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I think I have advanced DOF on.....

I dunno....



woot i'm getting this game for sure, i now have a gtx470, and they say it can be completely maxed out with one of these baby's, i am going sli for sure.


i bet this game is a great benchmark :thumbsup: .

At 1920x1080, completely maxed out with DX 11, DOF and Tesselation on, there will be some unplayable parts, even if you had, say, 8 gigabytes of RAM and an i7 860, like I do. I only have a 5770, but even on high with no DOF I get some pretty large fps drops.

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I think I have advanced DOF on.....

I dunno....



woot i'm getting this game for sure, i now have a gtx470, and they say it can be completely maxed out with one of these baby's, i am going sli for sure.


i bet this game is a great benchmark :thumbsup: .

At 1920x1080, completely maxed out with DX 11, DOF and Tesselation on, there will be some unplayable parts, even if you had, say, 8 gigabytes of RAM and an i7 860, like I do. I only have a 5770, but even on high with no DOF I get some pretty large fps drops.


Hmm seems to be a poorly optimized game, still looks cool though, the system requirements are ridiculas. They could of done a better job optimizing it :turned: .


I bet crysis 2 will be playable with that setup, maxed out.

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