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Metro 2033


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HE, he, my 2 9800gtx's with 1gbram managed to pull 40fps on maxed out on ultra high settings modded, at a resolution 1280x960 :thumbsup: That's with my ssd drive though.


If my 2 older nvidia cards managed to pull that sort of fps, just think what one gtx470 can do.


I have the just cause demo and it comes with a benchmark, its funny though in that game in the concrete jungle benchmark i got around 25fps, but everywhere else i got around 35fps, note that was done completely maxed out at 1440x900..



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If it drains you're card then you should decrease the resolution down a bit, having at 1080P all the time can drain you're card as you mentioned.
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So, I just finished it. Was pretty awesome, though I'll have to upgrade my PC and play it again. I hope they bring out a sequel and make it open world. The linear gameplay would have been really awesome had it been longer, but one could also see how it would benefit from being open world. It should just keep it's gameplay though, and not become like STALKER. You should be able to go wherever you want, but the places you visit will have to have scripted events.
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I just bought this game yesterday, and wow it looks sweet maxed out. I'm surprised on what my gtx470 can do, and its not even in sli.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Just been giving my gtx470 a test run and wow, from dx 10 to 11 sure makes a difference, not to mention maxed out without a single hiccup in 1080P on my 42inch sharp Aquos. WOOOW is all i have to say. I guess i really don't need to sli this badass card woooot :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: .


DX 11 rules :thumbsup:


in the fw i have super sample and AA maxed out to :thumbsup: Duh one thing though the hdmi port on the card is being blocked again by my case, all well back to dvi-hdmi.

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