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Metro 2033


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You aren't using Advanced DOF, are you?


Yes i am, "completely" maxed out, not single hiccup :thumbsup: . its a piece of cake with this card :thumbsup:


lol just finished playing the supersonic rocket sled demo, its a highly addictive game to :thumbsup:

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  • 2 months later...

I just finished this game and I must say it was amazing! It inspired me to start working on a mod for F3 in one of the Metro stations.

I loved the cramped feel of Exhibition & the Market. That's how I imagine living underground would be...not in a vault.

The atmosphere is the best in any game I've played including Stalker. :)

I'm definitely gonna hang on to it and play it off and on.


Also, the ammo economy system is awesome. I was doing the spray & pray thing at the Library and f*cking ran out of ammo right in the middle of the Librarians fight. :wallbash:

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Its a great game with nice little touches here and there. BUT it was to linear, buggy and most important no replay value what so ever. Could add in the vague way the ending is chosen, but ill let it rest. The buggs on the otther hand were bad, hell 2 game stoping bugs. Only way to advance was to download somones save files. Te worst one was the one where you manage to crash yourself under the lvl aka twilight zone. Its affter the scripted chase scene in depo. Now the good things, very nice feeling when visiting stations and surfce. And the bit about S.T.A.L.K.E.R. in libary, also loved the models of armors, would so love to see them in S.T.A.L.K.E.R CoP. Combat was bit hit and mis, should have had aiming for all weapons and mele attack as seperate. And fighting some oponents close combat was a huge pain. Overall worth getting for story value, but dont expect yearly replay value of S.T.A.L.K.E.R or FO3.
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