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How to get mods working in Awakening


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Hmm, that might be worth making a batch file for. :)


As an aside, does anyone have an idea what the State="" tag does in that .xml file? I've been having a look through and I tried changing the value (usually 2) to other numbers without any change.


What I did was just duplicate the entry for say no helmet hack in the same addin, but then changed the moduleid = single player to dao_prc_ep1, and now it works for both awakening and origins without replacing xmls or needing a batch script. Just be careful to copy the correct amount of lines, and make sure the </addinitem> lines are in the right place or else none of your addins will show up.


You mean just the one showing ownership, or the entire list of lines associated with it?

I did the entire lines associated with it, they are bracketed by </addinitem>, just dont have duplicates of that line, if you have multiple other mods in your addin you can easily tell how to correctly create a duplicate entry.

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Hmm, that might be worth making a batch file for. :)


As an aside, does anyone have an idea what the State="" tag does in that .xml file? I've been having a look through and I tried changing the value (usually 2) to other numbers without any change.


What I did was just duplicate the entry for say no helmet hack in the same addin, but then changed the moduleid = single player to dao_prc_ep1, and now it works for both awakening and origins without replacing xmls or needing a batch script. Just be careful to copy the correct amount of lines, and make sure the </addinitem> lines are in the right place or else none of your addins will show up.


You mean just the one showing ownership, or the entire list of lines associated with it?

I did the entire lines associated with it, they are bracketed by </addinitem>, just dont have duplicates of that line, if you have multiple other mods in your addin you can easily tell how to correctly create a duplicate entry.


Could you post or message me a short example of how you did it and what should be seen in the addin when finished? I tried to do something similar but evidently was doing something incorrectly.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Rather than try to edit XML in a text editor (low end: notepad), go to http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa905339.aspx and get XML Notepad 2007. It's free and its node-based interface won't let you screw up things like nested elements and such. And it makes cloning nodes a breeze.


Hope this helps.



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yeah, could you please show us an example in a code box of what you're talking about, using color tags to display the particular lines? Please?


something like this-


line blah blah blah
line blah blah blah
line blah blah blah
[color=blue]line blah blah blah[/color]
line blah blah blah


Some of us need visuals, to know what you're talking about, cause we dont understand the terms :wink:


Edit- AFF! Well, it would seem that the code tags negate other tags. Perhaps in a set of quote flags then.

[.quote]line blah blah blah

line blah blah blah

line blah blah blah

line blah blah Origins

line blah blah awakening

line blah blah blah[/.quote]

minus the periods, put those in there to show the tags
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  • 1 month later...

Hmm, that might be worth making a batch file for. :)


As an aside, does anyone have an idea what the State="" tag does in that .xml file? I've been having a look through and I tried changing the value (usually 2) to other numbers without any change.


What I did was just duplicate the entry for say no helmet hack in the same addin, but then changed the moduleid = single player to dao_prc_ep1, and now it works for both awakening and origins without replacing xmls or needing a batch script. Just be careful to copy the correct amount of lines, and make sure the </addinitem> lines are in the right place or else none of your addins will show up.


This is simply the best way to make any mod available for in both DA:O and DA:A simultaneously. To clear things up a bit you still open the same addin.xml file mention above but instead of changing the UID for ALL mods you duplicate the desired ones to work in both the original game and the expansion. If you take a moment and look through the code you'll see that all mods have there separate UID as well. Now all you have to do is copy the code for that mod, paste it again and change the UID. Voila, it works for both versions. Each code starts with <AddinItem> and ends with </AddinItem> so make sure you copy it all. Also, if you use notepad++ or some other more advanced editor this will be a LOT easier to do.


It's a lot of work if you use a ton of mods but for those of us content with a few custom armors and some minor tweaks it's a very simple solution to an annoying problem.


Sure, you can have two .xml files and switch between them depending on if you currently play DA:O or DA:A but I find it so much smoother to just duplicate the code. Thanks and credits to Hdhd and Mrtibbs9 for coming up with this! Stellar work!

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  • 10 months later...

Don't know if anyone is tracking this thread any longer, but I've done a foolish thing and was hoping for a rescue. I installed Awakenings and quickly discovered that Starfang and other equipment from mods did not work with the expansion. In reviewing possible solutions, I discovered this thread. Ok, so here's where my foolishness comes in: I modified the Addins.xml file to replace all instances of ExtendedModuleUID="Single Player" to read ExtendedModuleUID="DAO_PRC_EP_1" After returning to my newly saved Awakenings game, the equipment was still not showing up...well some did, others did not, so I thought I would try something else - I returned the Addins.xml file with the original one that had all the ExtendedModuleUID="Single Player" references.


Now, I am unable to choose Awakenings from the Other Campaigns menu in the game interface even if I switch out the appropriate Addins.xml file. I use EA Download Manager for my Bioware games, and so I tried clicking on the play button from there, but still no Awakenings campaign option. It also does not provide any way to re-install (just has a play button). Perhaps there is somewhere I can manually downloand and re-install the Awakenings expansion since I already have the license?


I thought I would just uninstall Awakenings and start fresh, except I cannot locate Awakenings, per se, to uninstall.


I also tried re-installing patch 1.04, but nope.


So...end result: I can still play Origins with all my happy mods installed, but cannot choose to play Awakenings. :(


Please tell me there's another way to play this expansion without having to reinstall my entire game since it originally took me HOURS to get all my mods to play nice with each other :pinch: - reinstalling is almost not an option! :yucky:


Thank you for any assistance that can be provided.

Edited by solarsis
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Hey, Solarsis;


Sorry about your pibkac error, we've all done similar. :pinch:


If no one has provided more info before I return from vacation (late-late EDT Friday night) I'll be able to sit down on Saturday at my rig with DA:O/A installed and get you the step-by-step. Shouldn't be to hard... :wink:

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Hey, Solarsis;


Sorry about your pibkac error, we've all done similar. :pinch:


If no one has provided more info before I return from vacation (late-late EDT Friday night) I'll be able to sit down on Saturday at my rig with DA:O/A installed and get you the step-by-step. Shouldn't be to hard... :wink:



Any help you can provide would be very welcome. I would really like to give Awakenings a try out. I've been trying to find how to contact Bioware directly, but have been unsuccessful. /cry

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Hmmm...so this, in effect, means that I need to have 4 versions of addins.xml -

* standard for Origins, DLCs authorised

* standard for Origins, DLCs unauthorised

* modified for Awakenings, DLCs authorised

* modified for Awakenings, DLCs unauthorised


This depends, of course, on whether we expect the EA servers might die on us again. :-/

Edited by Sync182
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Heyas Sync :)


Nope, not really.

The best method, is to just make a backup copy of the addins.xml file, and then tuck it away in a safe place. Definitely do that. If you goof the edit up, you'll end up SERIOUSLY regretting it, because NONE of the file will work. IE- NO DLCS and NO MODS.


Just recopy all the mod/dlc entries in, so that there are two of each of them, for each mod. Edit the second entry for the Awakening module.

IF the Awakening module is not present, when you load the game, you'll get hit by a warning message saying that "Such and such DLC was not found, the game might be corrupted if you continue, yada yada yada". Tell the game to force load it anyway. (UNLESS you were actually IN Awakening during that game....)


Basically treat it the same as if you'd removed a mod that was active in gameplay. Force load, and then clean save. No biggie ;)

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