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How to get mods working in Awakening


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Heyas Sync :)


Nope, not really.

The best method, is to just make a backup copy of the addins.xml file, and then tuck it away in a safe place. Definitely do that. If you goof the edit up, you'll end up SERIOUSLY regretting it, because NONE of the file will work. IE- NO DLCS and NO MODS.


Just recopy all the mod/dlc entries in, so that there are two of each of them, for each mod. Edit the second entry for the Awakening module.

IF the Awakening module is not present, when you load the game, you'll get hit by a warning message saying that "Such and such DLC was not found, the game might be corrupted if you continue, yada yada yada". Tell the game to force load it anyway. (UNLESS you were actually IN Awakening during that game....)


Basically treat it the same as if you'd removed a mod that was active in gameplay. Force load, and then clean save. No biggie ;)




I was told that I would have to re-install everything in order to fix my problem. Will what you listed here help my issue as well? Thanks in advance for any reply.

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In your case, you do not have a known-good copy of the manifest files to use, and you aren't sure that you can edit what you have to get them back to the correct state because you've already made two sets of changes since things worked right.


I know that I have successfully recovered from this kind of error by deleting my "AddIns" folder, re-installing DA:A, and allowing the in-game updater to reacquire all my authorized DLC for me. Took some time (started the d/l and went to bed!) but all was fine in the morning. Only piece left for me was reinstalling the mods that were packaged as .dazips (they go in the "\addins" folder as well.


As I advised you in the PM, you can probably save yourself that last bit of work by removing only the folders that pertain to the offical DLC, leaving any custom ones in-place.

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Solarsis- I am, unfortunately, not familiar with the problem that you are having. So I don't know, because I am afraid that I don't know the problem that you're having :confused:


Thandal- That would work for mods that dont have material in BOTH the Addins and Override folder. Tho some mods do, so they would end up missing parts of them. :(

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Thandal- That would work for mods that dont have material in BOTH the Addins and Override folder. Tho some mods do, so they would end up missing parts of them. :(

Yup, but mods are not solarsis' problem atm. One can always get mods working again. But since trying to edit the manifest.xml tables, "Awakening" won't fire. It just doesn't appear in the "Other Campaigns" menu at all. :confused:

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