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This is Africa


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ah lol...


agreed on push... get out of there, a few hundred yrs of racism, slavery and extortion have simply destroyed that placed completely

everybody hates everbody nowerdays, add a lot of poverty, different racial origins (lots of indians) and jealousy and you have the perfect situation for a hatred and agression of all kinds...

not saying youre at fault but your ancestors kinda are...

beautiful country tho, my parents loved it tho they wont return soon out of fear lol

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  On 3/21/2010 at 12:17 PM, Retribution said:

If they try to do this, I hope they get massacred.


:blink: are you bloody nuts?

hoping that others get massacred surely is a one way ticket to the dark side and utterly retarded imo...

it doesnt serve any purpose but primitive satisfation for a short moment and only fuels the fires of hatred even more...

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I'm going to go against my better judgment here and say that I agree with Retribution. If this happens, the only way to stop this would be to massacre the aggressors. It might sound like a horrible approach, but they're speaking of driving all the white people from South Africa and 'killing us like flies'.


The biggest problem is, it isn't the black population's fault at all. They haven't had the opportunity to be educated and thus can't make informed decisions. They follow the ANC because they are being manipulated by them. The ANC exploits their ignorance and lack of education and in return they basically worship the ANC, even though in all their years of being in government, the ANC has accomplished nothing but make life worse for them.

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"us" meaning the whites who kept em in shackles and held em like slaves till 20yrs ago when eventually noone wanted to trade with you guys anymore and your assaults on other african nations were fought back?

how can anyone blame them for wanting to throw you, even if youre just a descendant of those who did that, into a volcano...

its not a nice wish but i can understand their reasons, afterall most of SAs wealth is still in the hand of the whites and a few corrupt blacks

your reasons are less understandable, you simply want to keep the property your ancestors stole, with their sweat and blood maybe but they stole it by murder and enslavement nevertheless...

not much different from the rest of the world, the amaricans stole the land from the natives, chinese from the tibetians, israelis froim the palestinians, rothshilds from europe and so on, however if those incidents are of a rescent nature its easy for mongers to incite hate and anger and thus actions noone wants to see

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We are starting to get offensive here. I'm shutting this one down as it seems to be bringing out the worst in people. If you cannot comment without personal attacks, I have a banhammer.


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Bben46, Moderator

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