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Weapons of Choice


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Minigun is too slow to start firing if I blunder into bad guys so I usually sell them off. Too many of the mod guns are so uber they mess up the play balance so I've deleted all of them and only use the stock weapons, though I miss some of the excellent visual detail for them. I only used the Fat Man and mininukes in Zeta to clear out the bridge so now I've got a zillion mininukes laying around. I tended to forget using mines in the beginning, especially when in the main quest, but now always carry ten or more each of frag and plasma types plus about half that of pulse types - setting up an ambush was something I didn't start using until late in the game but I'm having a lot of fun with it now. The Victory Rifle and Scoped .44 get a lot of use if I'm not ambushing and relying on an automatic weapon or Terrible Shotgun for clean-up. I probably carry more weapons than I need to but I enjoy switching guns around.
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well if its vanilla weapon,chinese rifle is my weapon of choice.

and if you talk about modded one my favourite goes to fallout classic weapon ( sorry no link to lazy to type it ) and any weapon from Gunnars2.

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  • 5 months later...

Meh there's too many good weapons out there. Actually i'm having problems to stick with one for longer than 15mins:


Melee- I don't melee

SMG- Akira silenced SMG (found in Blackwolf Backpack mod) with Sydney's ULTRA SMG stats, HK Kurtz

Pistol- HK1911 pistol with eotech and silencer, Spaghetti Western revolver, retextured 10mm n99 with silencer and laser pointer

Assault Rifle- Wanda from "AddWanda ver2" mod, L1A1, M41A Pulse Rifle

Sniper- WA2000R, HK 417 sniper and my Charlene (a scoped M14 with vanilla sniper rifle stats, upgraded to Reservist rifle stats once i found it)

Shotgun- Silenced Benelli, M41A shotgun attachement (custom made by replacing the grenade launcher with the shotgun)

Machinegun- the Mg42 that cames with the Kerberos Gear armor, and the Chinese LMG from the omonimous mod

Laser rifle- Classic Wattz laser rifle with Lincoln's repeater stats

Laser Sniper- Liberty Rifle

Laser Assault- a custom made automatic laser rifle that uses the XenoTec assault rifle mesh and has laser minigun stats



Edit: i just noticed that the last post here was made some months ago: sorry for the gravedigging, i read this thread from the "search menu" and didn't notice the date.

Edited by Vlazork
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