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Dragonborn Quest: Lost Legacy Bug


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In the quest after finding the two pieces of the claw key and putting them in the keyholes and unlocking the cage, i activate the switch and i cross the bridge as it appears, The bug happens when i make it across...nothing happens, no bridge appears to let Tharstan across thus the door doesn't open and i'm stuck. Tharstan stays in the caged area non-moving. i tried moveto player to get him over there but he just walks back to the cage and waits forever

I'm going to say as well that the main problem is that because the bridge wont form for Tharstan to get across the door (ill supply a picture) wont open and thus i cannot progress



I tried leaving the dungeon and going back in and trying again and i tried waiting for 2 days to see if Tharstan would find his way across. Both resulted in nothing.

Edited by Nyarlathotep1313
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